Commercial and contract law online short course

  • Does UCT offer commercial law?

    Welcome to Commercial Law
    The UCT Commercial Law Department is renowned for its expertise in Comparative Law in Africa, Intellectual Property Law, Company Law, Tax Law (national and international), Corporate Governance, Labour Law and Shipping Law - and has specialist research units focused on these areas of law..

  • What is a contract in commercial law?

    Commercial contracts are agreements regulating business relationships between individuals or businesses where they agree to perform some actions or refrain from doing others.
    Commercial contracts are usually in writing, but they can also be verbal..

  • What short courses does UCT offer?

    Our short courses include:

    UCT Digital Photography online short course.UCT Copy-Editing Online Short Course.UCT Feature Journalism online short course.UCT Web Design online short course..

  • The course aims to give students a thorough understanding of the general principles of the law of contract in South Africa – knowledge which is essential for mastery of many other subjects in the LLB curriculum, and for success in legal practice.
  • Welcome to Commercial Law
    The UCT Commercial Law Department is renowned for its expertise in Comparative Law in Africa, Intellectual Property Law, Company Law, Tax Law (national and international), Corporate Governance, Labour Law and Shipping Law - and has specialist research units focused on these areas of law.
Develop an understanding of commercial and contract law, and earn an official certificate of completion from the University of Cape Town.

How do I get a commercial and contract law certificate?

Develop an understanding of commercial and contract law, and earn an official certificate of completion from the University of Cape Town.
Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online.
In order to be issued with a certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the course handbook.


What is commercial and contract law in South Africa?

SME South Africa (Feb, 2019).
An understanding of commercial and contract law is crucial to doing business in South Africa.
Commercial law focuses on the purchase and sale of goods and services, including:

  • intangible entities such as :
  • intellectual property rights.
  • ,

    What is commercial contract fundamentals?

    Commercial Contract Fundamentals is designed to help both lawyers and non-legal professionals overcome these challenges and become effective at breaking negotiation deadlocks.
    The course was developed by Wei Chen, General Counsel of Infoblox, and is based on her 20+ years of experience working with commercial contracts.


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