Contract law consideration cases

  • Cases on consideration in contract law

    For instance, A lost his dog and B found the dog and returned it to A, then A promised to pay Rs. 100 and in that case, it will be a past consideration as the act of finding the dog happened before any agreement..

  • What are the three types of consideration in contract law?

    The main types of consideration in contract law are: .

    1. Executory consideration, which is an exchange of promises between parties;
    2. Executed consideration, where one party performs an act in exchange for a promise by the other party;
    3. Past consideration, which is generally not valid as it refers to acts performed

  • What is an example of a contract that includes consideration?

    Consideration can be as big or small as the parties mutually agree to exchange between themselves.
    For example, when you go to buy a dress, it's between you and the seller to agree upon the price.
    When a valid consideration is present, courts rarely interfere to decide whether the deal is unfair or disproportionate..

  • What is an example of a past consideration case?

    For instance, A lost his dog and B found the dog and returned it to A, then A promised to pay Rs. 100 and in that case, it will be a past consideration as the act of finding the dog happened before any agreement..

  • What is an example of consideration in a contract law?

    Consideration is the main element of a contract.
    Without consideration by both parties, a contract cannot be enforceable.
    For instance, if a person used the money to purchase an apple, the apple is the merchant's consideration, and the money is the person's consideration..

  • What is consideration in a contract law case?

    The consideration of a contract may be an act or abstinence that has already been done at the desire of the promisor, is in progress or is promised to be done in the future.
    On this basis, consideration can be categorised as past, present, or future..

  • What is consideration with cases?

    ���� Consideration, which must be given in order to make a contract legally binding, is legally sufficient and bargained-for value, given by the promisor in return for the promisee performing or refraining from performing some act which results in a detriment to the promisee and/or a benefit to the promisor..

  • For instance, A lost his dog and B found the dog and returned it to A, then A promised to pay Rs. 100 and in that case, it will be a past consideration as the act of finding the dog happened before any agreement.
  • The main types of consideration in contract law are: .
    1. Executory consideration, which is an exchange of promises between parties;
    2. Executed consideration, where one party performs an act in exchange for a promise by the other party;
    3. Past consideration, which is generally not valid as it refers to acts performed
Consideration cases
  • Alliance Bank v Broom (1864) 2 Dr & Sm 289.
  • Avon County Council v Howlett [1983] 1 WLR 605.
  • Bolton v Madden (1873) LR 9 QB 55.
  • Chappell and Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1960] AC 87.
  • Charles Rickards v Oppenheim [1950] 1 KB 616.
  • Collier v P and MJ Wright (Holdings) [2008] EWCA Civ 1329.
Consideration in Contract Law
  • It must be provided by the promisee or a third party.
  • It must have some value, even if it is minimal or intangible.
  • It must have been bargained for, meaning it has been mutually agreed upon by the parties.
Consideration CasesLampleigh v Braithwait (1615)Re Casey's Patent (1892)Pao On v Lau Yiu Long (1980)Chapple v Nestle (1959)Price v Easton (1833).


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