Contract law of anambra state

  • What are damages in contract law in Nigeria?

    Damages refers to monetary compensation which is obtainable in a civil suit, including but not limited to the breach of a contract.
    The innocent party in a contract that has been breached is prima facie entitled to damages, except the contract expressly or by implication provides otherwise..

  • What is breach of contract in Nigeria?

    A breach of contract occurs when a party fails to fulfill his obligation either partially or wholly or. communicates an intent to fail in the performance of his obligation or otherwise appears to be. unable to perform his obligation.
    This means that breach occurs in three situations; a..

  • What is privity of contract under Nigerian law?

    A contract can only create enforceable rights and obligations on the parties to the contract, and so only parties to such contracts can sue to enforce them.
    It also follows that only those who have furnished consideration may sue..

  • What is the capacity to contract in Nigeria?

    The capacity to contract has been said to be one of the five elements of a valid contract, the other four being offer, acceptance, consideration and an intention to enter legal relations.
    A contract in which one of the parties lacks the capacity to contract would make such a contract unenforceable against that party..


    Reinstatement or reengagement (subject to the mutual consent of you and the employer); or.Award of terminal payments; or.Award of monetary compensation.
  • What constitutes acceptance of an offer was given a comprehensive definition by NIKI TOBI J.C.A in ORIENT BANK PLC V BILANTE INTERNATIONAL LTD An acceptance of an offer is the reciprocal act or action of the offeree to the offer in which he indicates his agreement to the terms of the offer as conveyed to him by the
Interpretation of Section 500 of the Contract Law of Anambra State on whether oral evidence can be used to vary the terms of a written contract. is the comprehensive database of African case law and legislation. Gain seamless access to over 20000 cases, statutes, and rules of court.


Contract law offer and acceptance problem questions and answers
Contract law offer cases
Contract law offer and acceptance quiz
Contract law offer and acceptance essay
Contract law offer acceptance consideration intention
Contract law offer invitation to treat
Contract law offer and acceptance uk
Contract law offenses
Contract law offer to treat
Introduction to the law of contract
What is the opposite word of contract
Opposite of legally binding
Opposite of breach of contract
Contract law external evidence
Contract out law meaning
Contract out law
Contract law overtime pay
Contract law overtime
Contract law overt act
Contract override law