Contract override law

  • What is an override contract?

    An override agreement is a contract between a sales manager and a sales representative that provides that a commission be paid to the manager for sales.
    The contract identifies each contract party and determines what percentage of the sale each party will receive upon closing..

  • A contract implied in law, also known as a quasi-contract or a constructive contract, is an obligation created by law for the sake of justice or to avoid unjust enrichment.
  • A void contract is a contract that isn't legally enforceable, starting from the time it was created.
    While both a void and voidable contract are null, a void contract cannot be ratified.
    In a legal sense, a void contract is treated as if it was never created and becomes unenforceable in court.
  • An override agreement is a contract between a sales manager and a sales representative that provides that a commission be paid to the manager for sales.
    The contract identifies each contract party and determines what percentage of the sale each party will receive upon closing.
Oct 18, 2021No. It is a foundational principle in law (both civil and criminal) that if the purpose of a contract is illegal, then it is not a valid contract.Can a contract supersede rights protected by the law? - QuoraCan a contract override state law? - QuoraWill a verbal agreement over text override a signed legal document?More results from
Oct 18, 2021No. It is a foundational principle in law (both civil and criminal) that if the purpose of a contract is illegal, then it is not a valid contract.Can a contract supersede rights protected by the law?Can a contract override state law?Can an email override a contract?More results from
Oct 18, 2021No. It is a foundational principle in law (both civil and criminal) that if the purpose of a contract is illegal, then it is not a valid contract.Can a contract supersede rights protected by the law?Can a contract override state law?More results from

Can a contract override an arbitration contract?

However, many statutes either explicitly or implicitly allow contracts to override them in at least some situations.
For instance, in the US the Federal Arbitration Act says that arbitration contracts take effect even if state laws ban them.
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Can a contract supersede the law?

Courts dislike ordering specific performance.
Name Drop has yet to sue users to enforce the first-born provision of their TOS.
Answering your question, but disregarding your example, the answer is:

  • YES
  • contracts can supersede the law.
    First, parties to a contract enjoy usually the freedom to contract.
    They are free to agree on their own terms.
  • ,

    Can a statute override a conflicting contract?

    Generically the answer is "no;" courts will enforce a statute instead of a conflicting contract.
    However, many statutes either explicitly or implicitly allow contracts to override them in at least some situations.
    For instance, in the US the Federal Arbitration Act says that arbitration contracts take effect even if state laws ban them.


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