Contract law part 2

  • Meaning.
    When a person employs another person to do any act for himself or to represent him in dealing with third persons, it is called a 'Contract of Agency'.
    The person who is so represented is called the 'principal' and the representative so employed is called the 'agent (Sec. 182).
Guarantee is a mercantile contract,the equivalent of the common law of the contract of "suretyship”, by which a person undertakes to answer the debt of another.
The Indian Contract Act 1872 is the main act governing all aspects of contracts in India. Its basic principles are based on the English Common Law.
Translated by the Louisiana state Law Institute, Volume 2 part 1and 2, 11 th edition, 1939. 16. Rene David, Commentary on Contracts in Ethiopia, Haile 

What is the second edition of Andrews' contract law?

Contract Law Significantly streamlined and updated, the second edition of Andrews’ Contract Law provides a clear and succinct examination of all of the topics in the contract law curriculum


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