Contract law saudi arabia

  • How does law work in Saudi Arabia?

    Since Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shari'ah) for both criminal and civil cases.
    At the top of the legal system is the King, who acts as the final court of appeal and as a source of pardon.
    The Saudi court system consists of three main parts..

  • What are the employment laws in Saudi Arabia?

    Normal working hours are eight hours per day for six days a week.
    Work in excess of 48 hours per week must be compensated at overtime rates, except for certain categories of work, primarily of relevance in the catering trade.
    Saudi Arabian public holidays are set by the HRSD..

  • What is breach of contract in Saudi Arabia?

    A breach of contract occurs when one party to a contract fails to fulfil their obligations under the contract.
    This can happen in a variety of ways, such as by failing to deliver goods or services on time, or by delivering goods or services that are not up to standard..

  • What is the governing law of Saudi Arabia?

    The Saudi legal system is based on Shari'ah principles derived from the Holy Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
    However, there are attributes of civil law as many areas are governed by codified laws..

  • What is the ruling on contracts in Islam?

    A contract is definitive when the offer and acceptance are both categorical and the contract is validly concluded.
    A contract is suspensive when the offer and acceptance are kept in suspense i.e. for future effect.
    The latter is not permitted in Shari'ah, particularly in sale contracts..

  • What type of law does Saudi Arabia follow?

    Since Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shari'ah) for both criminal and civil cases.
    At the top of the legal system is the King, who acts as the final court of appeal and as a source of pardon..

  • Article (5.
    1. An employment contract is a contract concluded between an employer and a worker, whereby the latter undertakes to work under the management or supervision of the former for a wage
While contract law is generally governed under Sharia law, many areas of modern business and commercial activities are not considered under Sharia law and are hence governed by the applicable regulations. Saudi Arabia also abides by international treaties, which are approved by royal decree.

Sources of law in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is principally governed by Sharia Law, with royal decrees playing a complementary role.

Formation of contract

A contract of sale (bay’) can be concluded for the exchange of anything regarded as a commodity or property (mal). However, there are certain thi…

Limitations on enforceability of contracts

Not all contractual arrangements are condoned in Sharia law. Unless a term is positively allowed by revelation ("in the book of God"), it is in…

Remedies for breach of contract

Rescission is allowed under specific circumstances, such as when the seller fails to perform; the merchandise is defective or the quantity inco…

Procedures and prerequisites of contract enforcement

Enforcing of a contract consists of three main stages: The plaintiff is to ask the defendant for compliance wit…

Are contracts governed by Saudi law enforceable?

Parties whose contracts are governed by Saudi law (including Employers and Contractors) should be cognisant that the terms and conditions of their contracts may be modified as a result

Under Saudi law, contractual terms are enforceable unless they are inconsistent with Sharia law, which, itself, is based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah

Why is Saudi Arabia a unique jurisdiction?

Saudi Arabia is a unique jurisdiction

It has adopted Islamic Sharia as the main sources of legislation, but in an uncodified form

It is also influenced by the civil law system prevailing in the neighbouring countries of the Middle East

Tier 2 country by the United States Department of State

With respect to human trafficking, Saudi Arabia was designated, together with Italy, Japan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Israel, Iceland, Norway, and Angola, as a Tier 2 country by the United States Department of State in its 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report required by the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 on which this article was originally based.
Tier 2 countries are countries whose governments do not fully comply with the TVPA’s minimum standards, but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with those standards.
The 2021 report shows some effort by the Kingdom to address the problems, but continues to classify the Kingdom as a Tier 2 country.
Contract law saudi arabia
Contract law saudi arabia

Bilateral relations

According to the British government, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have long been close allies.
Relations between the two countries date back to 1848, when Faisal bin Turki, ruler of the Second Saudi state, formally requested the support of the British Political Resident in Bushire for his representative in Trucial Oman.
Saudi Arabia Railways

Saudi Arabia Railways

National railway company of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Railways, formerly the Saudi Railway Company, is the national railway company of Saudi Arabia.
It is de facto a state-owned enterprise, as it is owned by the Public Investment Fund.


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