Contract law gentleman's agreement

  • How did the gentlemen's agreement work?

    Gentlemen's Agreement, (1907), U.S.-Japanese understanding in which Japan agreed not to issue passports to emigrants to the United States, except to certain categories of business and professional men..

  • What is a gentleman's agreement in law?

    A gentlemen's agreement is an informal, often unwritten agreement or transaction backed only by the integrity of the counterparty to actually abide by its terms.
    An agreement such as this is generally informal, made orally, and is not legally binding..

  • What is the principle of gentlemen's agreement?

    The essence of a gentlemen's agreement is that it relies upon the honor of the parties for its fulfillment, rather than being in any way enforceable.
    It is distinct from a legal agreement or contract.
    A ladies' agreement, or lady's agreement, is the female equivalent of a gentlemen's agreement..

  • What is the use of gentleman's agreement?

    A gentleman's agreement or a gentlemen's agreement is an informal agreement in which people trust one another to do what they have promised.
    The agreement is not written down and does not have any legal force.
    We had no contract; it was done by a gentleman's agreement.
    She made a gentleman's agreement with her buyer..

  • What was the Gentlemen's agreement Act?

    It called for U.S.
    President Theodore Roosevelt to force San Francisco to repeal its Japanese-American school segregation order in exchange for Japan agreeing to deny emigration passports to Japanese laborers, while still allowing wives, children and parents of current immigrants to enter the United States..

  • Rather than enacting racially discriminatory and offensive immigration laws, President Theodore Roosevelt sought to avoid offending the rising world power of Japan through this negotiated agreement by which the Japanese government limited the immigration of its own citizens.
  • To appease Californians and avoid an open breach with the rising world power of Japan, President Theodore Roosevelt brokered this diplomatic agreement whereby the Japanese government assumed responsibility for sharply restricting Japanese immigration, particularly that of laborers, so that Japanese American children
A gentlemen's agreement is an informal, legally non-binding agreement between two or more parties that is dependent on the two parties for fulfillment.
Gentlemen's agreements are informal, unwritten agreements between two parties to undertake a transaction or other commitment. These agreements are not legally binding but are instead backed by the integrity, social norms, and peer pressure of those involved and their social networks.
Gentlemen's agreements are informal, unwritten agreements between two parties to undertake a transaction or other commitment. These agreements are not legally binding but are instead backed by the integrity, social norms, and peer pressure of those involved and their social networks.


The phrase appears in the British parliamentary records in 1821 and in the Massachusetts public records in 1835. The Oxford English Dictionary cites

See also

• Antitrust• Gentlemen's agreement of Andhra Pradesh (1956)• Good faith

Informal, non-binding agreement, sometimes based on honor

A gentlemen's agreement, or gentleman's agreement, is an informal and legally non-binding extiw>agreement between two or more parties.
It is typically oral, but it may be written or simply understood as part of an unspoken agreement by convention or through mutually-beneficial etiquette.
The essence of a gentlemen's agreement is that it relies upon the honor of the parties for its fulfillment, rather than being in any way enforceable.
It is distinct from a legal agreement or contract.


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