Damages in contract law pdf

  • Types of damages in law

    Four Types of Damages Available in a Breach of Contract

    Compensatory damages.
    Compensatory damages aim to restore the party who did NOT breach the contract back to the position they would have been in if the other party had held up their end of the deal as promised.Punitive damages. Nominal damages. Liquidated damages..

  • Types of damages in law

    Compensatory Damages
    As an example, if a contract were signed in which Party A agreed to pay Party B $5,000 for consulting services, but Party A breached the contract by not then using the services and not paying, then Party B would be entitled to $5,000 in compensation..

  • Types of damages in law

    There are six different types of damages: compensatory, incidental, consequential, nominal, liquidated, and (sometimes) punitive..

  • What are the damages specified in a contract?

    Liquidation damages are damages that are stated specifically in the contract.
    They can be put in a contract when damages are difficult to foresee, and an estimate is necessary for damages should there be a breach.
    Thus, such damages are agreed upon by both parties during the contract negotiation..

I. Damages in General. 2. II. Limitations on Damages. 3. A. Remoteness/Foreseeability. 3. B. Uncertainty. 4. C. Avoidability. 5. III. Liquidated Damages.

Are punitive damages recoverable for a breach of contract?

“Punitive damages are not recoverable for a breach of contract unless the conduct constituting the breach is also a tort for which punitive damages are recoverable

” §355 (emphasis added)


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