Contract law construction

  • Different types of construction bids

    1 Offer and acceptance.
    A contract is formed when an offer by one party is accepted by the other party. 2 Intention to create legal relations.
    A contract does not exist just because there is an agreement between two or more people. 3 Consideration. 4 Legal capacity. 5 Consent. 6 Illegal and void contracts..

  • Types of contract in Architecture

    To be legally enforceable, an agreement must contain all of the following criteria: An offer and acceptance; Certainty of terms; Consideration; An intention to create legal relations; Capacity of the parties; and, Legality of purpose..

A contract is a promise or agreement made voluntarily between two or more parties. A contract is legally enforceable only if: agreement has been reached 
The construction of the contract must be determined by what a reasonable person in the position of a party to the contract would have understood them to mean.
The law of contract and the law of tort are central elements of construction law. This sub-topic brings together key guidance in relation to contract law, 

AGC Contract Documents Forum

AGC's CDF provides leadership in the construction industry providing and improving upon balanced contract documents that incorporate best practices …

State Laws

Many aspects of construction are regulated by law covering public as well as private construction work. AGC works with the ABA Forum on Constr…


Contract law colorado
Contract law common law
Contract law concepts
Contract law domestic agreements
Contract law dog
Contract law donee
Contract law four corners rule
Contract law
Contract law gov
Contract law goods and services
Contract law gold coast
Contract law government
Contract law governs the creation and enforcement in agreements
Contract law good faith case
Contract law government definition
Contract law good standing
Contract law good book
Contract governing law clause
Contract law holidays
Contract law hours