Contract law governs the creation and enforcement in agreements

  • What are the 4 principles of contract law?


    1. A contract, otherwise proper to be specifically enforced, may be so enforced, though a sum be named in it as the amount to be paid in case of its breach and the party in default is willing to pay the same, if the court, having regard to the terms of the contract and other attending circumstances, is satisfied that

  • By indicating assent through written or verbal expression.
    Signing a written agreement is the most enforceable method of expression.
    Some contracts allow signatory parties to cancel a contract within a short time period, but the agreement becomes valid once both parties sign.
×Contract law is a body of law that governs, enforces, and interprets agreements related to an exchange of goods, services, properties, or money. A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality. An enforceable contract is a written or oral agreement that can be imposed in a court of law.,Contract law is a body of law that governs, enforces, and interprets agreements related to an exchange of goods, services, properties, or money. According to contract law, an agreement made between two or more people or business entities, in which there is a promise to do something in return for a gain or advantage, is legally binding.A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration ; capacity; and legality.An enforceable contract is a written or oral agreement that can be imposed in a court of law. If the law permits enforcement of a contract, execution of an agreement is the obligation of the assenting parties. Terms may not be violated or breached without causing the contract to void.


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