Uoft contract law

  • How hard is it to get into U of T Law school?

    Enrollment Statistics of University of Toronto Law School
    In other words, one in ten (10.02%) applicants successfully made it through the application process.
    Otherwise, the University enjoys the presence of approximately 650 students across all years of the undergraduate law course..

  • How hard is it to get into U of T law?

    Enrollment Statistics of University of Toronto Law School
    In other words, one in ten (10.02%) applicants successfully made it through the application process.
    Otherwise, the University enjoys the presence of approximately 650 students across all years of the undergraduate law course..

  • Is the University of Toronto good for law?

    U of T Law is first in Canada, top 10 in North America and top 20, globally.
    McGill University's Faculty of Law ranked 31 (down six from 2021) and the University of British Columbia's Peter A.
    Allard School of Law ranked 43 (down 1 from 2021) round out the only three Canadian law schools in the top 100..

  • In 2022, the Times Higher Education ranked the Faculty the 16th best law school in the world.
    The Faculty of Law has high admission criteria with an acceptance rate of 13.5% and a yield rate of 70.1% for 2011–12.
  • In a bilateral contract, where both parties undertake obligations through an exchange of promises, acceptance generally occurs when the offeree communicates its counter-promise to the offeror.
    In a unilateral contract, however, one party makes a promise in return for the performance or forbearance of an act.
This course examines the enforcement of promises and agreements. The matters considered include the requirements of enforceability, remedies for breach, the 

Master of Laws

Program Description The Master of Laws (LLM) is a one-year degree program that provides students with an opportunity for more profound st…

LLM Program (No Concentration): Thesis Option

Minimum Admission Requirements 1. Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. App…

LLM Program (with A Concentration): Thesis Option

Minimum Admission Requirements No conditional offers of admission will be given based on successful completion of an En…

LLM Program (with A Concentration): Coursework-Only Option

Minimum Admission Requirements 1. Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. App…

Dual Degree Program: Bachelor of Laws

Program Description This dual degree program is offered as part of the Master of Laws (LLM)’s coursework-only option, with or without a concent…

Master of Studies in Law

Program Description The Master of Studies in Law (MSL) program is designed for scholars with no prior training in law who wish to acquire a legal …

Doctor of Juridical Science

Program Description The Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) is a thesis degree program for outstanding law students seeking to pursue careers in tea…

SJD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements 1. Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. App…

Concentration: Business Law

Minimum Admission Requirements 1. Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. App…

Concentration: Canadian Law in A Global Context

Minimum Admission Requirements 1. Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. App…

Does University of Toronto offer a JD program?

University of Toronto Faculty of Law Admissions Followthis publisher About Prospectus for admission to the JD program at Canada's premier law school at the University of Toronto, and a top 15 law school in the world

How do I get into law school at U of T?

BMus, BPHE, BKin etc

There are people at U of T law school who have degrees in engineering, biochemistry, English literature, political science, economics, music etc

For your initial undergraduate degree, select the program that you will enjoy studying, since no subject is better than another for getting into law school

What is the University of Toronto law intersession?

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO FACULTY OF LAW JANUARYINTERSESSIONU of T Law attractsleading visitingacademics from theworld’s top law schools

Held in early January,the intersession offersintensive, week-longcourses taught by visiting professors offeringdiverse perspectiveson a huge range of legaltopics



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