Intrepid control systems careers

  • How many employees does Intrepid Control Systems have?

    Intrepid Control Systems peak revenue was $54.

    1. M in 2022.
    2. Intrepid Control Systems has 750 employees, and the revenue per employee ratio is $72,000.

  • Who is the CEO of Intrepid Control Systems?

    Dave Robins is the CEO & Founder at Intrepid Control Systems ..

  • Dave Robins is the CEO & Founder at Intrepid Control Systems .
  • Intrepid Control Systems peak revenue was $54.
    1. M in 2022.
    2. Intrepid Control Systems has 750 employees, and the revenue per employee ratio is $72,000.
  • Software Intern. Intrepid Control Systems.
  • Embedded Firmware Intern. Intrepid Control Systems.
  • Hardware Intern. Intrepid Control Systems.
  • Full Stack Typescript Developer. Intrepid Control Systems.
  • DevOps Engineer. Intrepid Control Systems.
  • C++ Software Engineer.
  • Embedded Software Developer.
  • Senior C++ Software Engineer.
Job Summary: The Intern Program at Intrepid Control Systems offers a unique opportunity for highly motivated, innovative, and inspired individuals to work on 

What is a limited warranty on Intrepid control systems software?

This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the Intrepid Control Systems Software has resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication

Any replacement Intrepid Control Systems Software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer

What jobs are available at Intrepid?

Electricians, mechanics, welders, maintenance planners, coordinators and foremen

Intrepid has earned a reputation for safety, innovation and the investment of millions of dollars in technology

We need smart, dedicated and highly skilled people to help us meet our goals and maintain a competitive market position

Who is Intrepid control systems?

Intrepid Control Systems has some of the most talented engineers in the industry

With vertical teams of hardware and software engineers working

Intrepid Control Systems is looking for a cloud/dev ops engineer who is passionate about technology and cloud solutions

You’ll have an opportunity to influence our direction and leave your mark



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