Feedback control system quiz

  • How does feedback control a system?

    In a feedback control system the controller takes the decision on how to act on the final control element by considering the error between the actual value of the controlled variable and its expected set point value, according to the control algorithm or control law used..

  • What is a real example of feedback control?

    An example of feedback control is when a sales goal is set, the sales team works to reach that goal for three months, and at the end of the three-month period, managers review the results and determine whether the sales goal was achieved..

  • What is feedback control system Wikipedia?

    Feedback control systems
    A closed-loop controller or feedback controller is a control loop which incorporates feedback, in contrast to an open-loop controller or non-feedback controller.
    A closed-loop controller uses feedback to control states or outputs of a dynamical system..

  • What is feedback control system?

    feedback control system.
    Feedback controls are widely used in modern automated systems.
    A feedback control system consists of five basic components: (1) input, (2) process being controlled, (3) output, (4) sensing elements, and (5) controller and actuating devices.
    These five components are illustrated in Figure 1..

  • What is feedback in control system Mcq?

    Feedback refers to the comparison of the final output to the desired output at respective input so as to get accurate and error free result and in the system improves the transient response of the system.
    Feedback system is basically a low pass filter..

  • Following are the effect of feedback on Sensitivity.
    Feedback reduces the sensitivity of the system based on variation of parameter in the forward path of the loop.
    Larger the loop gain Ab, more effective is the feedback in reducing sensitivity.
  • Negative feedback in a closed-loop reduces gain and improves the bandwidth and disturbance rejection.
    Also, it reduces the sensitivity to parameter variation Bandwidth increases by the factor of 1 + GH.

What is feedback control system?

Feedback control system is basically Explanation: Low pass filter is mainly as integral controller and it is used as the controller in the system so as to increase the accuracy by reducing or proper eliminating the steady state error of the control system


Which of the following will not decrease as a result of introduction of negative feedback?

What is the effect of feedback on sensitivity?

Effect of feedback on sensitivity is minimum in: 34

A particular control system yielded a steady state error of 0

20 for unit step input

A unit integrator is cascaded to this system and unit ramp input is applied to this modified system

What is the time response specification of a feedback control system?

A control system is generally met with the time response specifications: 24

The open loop transfer function of the feedback control system is given by G (s) = K (s+3)/s (s+4) 2 (s+5) (s+6)

The number of asymptotes and the centroid of asymptotes of the root loci of closed loop system is? 25


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