Flight control system helicopter

  • How do helicopter flight controls work?

    In forward flight, a helicopter's flight controls behave more like those in a fixed-wing aircraft.
    Moving the cyclic forward makes the nose pitch down, thus losing altitude and increasing airspeed.
    Moving the cyclic back makes the nose pitch up, slowing the helicopter and making it climb..

  • How does helicopter flight work?

    A helicopter's rotor blades are wings and create lift.
    An airplane must fly fast to move enough air over its wings to provide lift.
    A helicopter moves air over its rotor by spinning its blades..

  • What are the flight control systems in a helicopter?

    There are three major controls in a helicopter that the pilot must use during flight.
    They are the collective pitch control, the cyclic pitch control, and the antitorque pedals or tail rotor control..

  • What is control power in helicopter?

    When the rotordisc changes attitude, the fuselage will follow this to some degree.
    The extent to which this happens is known as control power.
    Control power depends upon the rotorhead (type), and works in 2 ways, both of which are reliant on transferring moments from the rotordisc to the shaft..

  • What is flight control called cyclic aboard a helicopter?

    The cyclic stick controls the aircraft attitude and therefore the airspeed, which in turn affects altitude.
    Fore and aft cyclic movement is used to achieve and maintain the desired attitude to select the airspeed.
    The amount and rate of attitude change varies with the amount and rate of cyclic movement..

  • Directional control in a hover is maintained entirely with the pedals; if the helicopter is the most common type with an anti-torque tail rotor, moving the rudder pedals requires the throttle to be increased or decreased slightly to compensate for the varying power consumed by the tail rotor and to maintain constant
  • Do helicopters communicate with ATC? Helicopters based at airports must actively communicate with ATC and other operators, Jennings said.
  • When the rotordisc changes attitude, the fuselage will follow this to some degree.
    The extent to which this happens is known as control power.
    Control power depends upon the rotorhead (type), and works in 2 ways, both of which are reliant on transferring moments from the rotordisc to the shaft.
A typical helicopter has three flight control inputs: the cyclic stick, the collective lever, and the anti-torque pedals. Depending on the complexity of the  ControlsCyclicFlight conditionsForward flight
Control functions. A helicopter has four controls: collective pitch control, throttle control, antitorque control, and cyclic pitch control. The collective pitch control is usually found at the pilot's left hand; it is a lever that moves up and down to change the pitch angle of the main rotor blades.
They are the collective pitch control, the cyclic pitch control, and the antitorque pedals or tail rotor control. In addition to these major controls, the pilot must also use the throttle control, which is usually mounted directly to the collective pitch control in order to fly the helicopter.


The cyclic control, commonly called the cyclic stick or just cyclic, is similar in appearance on most helicopters to a control stick from a conventio…

Flight conditions

There are three basic flight conditions for a helicopter: hover, forward flight and autorotation.

Differential pitch control

For helicopters with two horizontally-mounted rotors, changes in attitude often require having the two rotors behave inversely in response …

See also

• Aeronautical engineering• Autogyro• Helicopter rotor

Flight control system helicopter
Flight control system helicopter

NASA helicopter on the Mars 2020 mission

Ingenuity, nicknamed Ginny, is a small autonomous helicopter presently operating on the planet Mars.
It is part of NASA's Mars 2020 mission.
The helicopter arrived on the Martian surface attached to the underside of the Perseverance rover, which landed on February 18, 2021.
The helicopter was deployed to the surface on April 3, 2021.
Both the rover and the helicopter began their missions on Mars at the Octavia E.
Butler Landing site near the western rim of the 28 mi (45 km) wide Jezero crater.


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