Ao control systems russia

Financial Services Sector Sanctions

Imposing further sanctions against Russia’s financial services sector impedes the ability of President Vladimir Putin’s regime to raise capital i…

Targeting Russian Sanctions Evasion

Due to the impact of sanctions and export controls, Russian intelligence services have been directed to find channels for evasion and backfilling. Treasu…

Sanctions Targeting Russia’s Military Supply Chains

Treasury is taking additional steps to impose costs on and further restrict key entities that support Russia’s military capabilities. Since the start of R…

Expanding Sanctions: Metals and Mining Sector

OFAC is enhancing and expanding its use of Russia-related sanctions authorities by issuing a determinationthat identifies the metals and minin…

Sanctions Implications

As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of the persons above that are in the United States or in the possession or control of …

Does OFAC ship electronics to Russia?

Today, OFAC is designating a Finland-based network that specializes in shipping foreign electronics to Russia-based end-users

Finland-based logistics firms Siberica Oy (Siberica) and Luminor Oy (Luminor) have sent a wide variety of electronics into Russia, including UAV cameras, high-performance optical filters, and lithium batteries

What does AO NPO kurganpribor do?

AO NPO Kurganpribor ( Kurganpribor) produces components for rocket systems, missiles, and bombs

Kurganpribor is likely working with Russian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) manufacturers to develop engines for UAV weapons programs

What does OCAC do about Russia-related sanctions?

EXPANDING SANCTIONS: METALS AND MINING SECTOR OFAC is enhancing and expanding its use of Russia-related sanctions authorities by issuing a determination that identifies the metals and mining sector of the Russian Federation economy pursuant to section 1 (a) (i) of Executive Order (E

O ) 14024
Ao control systems russia
Ao control systems russia

Russian bank

AO Raiffeisenbank is a bank in Russia.
It is a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International, which in turn is a fully controlled subsidiary of Austrian banking group Raiffeisen Zentralbank.
Included in the list of systemically important banks.
The headquarters is located in Moscow.
Russian Post

Russian Post

Russian national postal operator


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