Convex optimization and geometry

  • What are the applications of convex optimization?

    Convex optimization has applications in a wide range of disciplines, such as automatic control systems, estimation and signal processing, communications and networks, electronic circuit design, data analysis and modeling, finance, statistics (optimal experimental design), and structural optimization, where the .

Optimization is the science of making a best choice in the face of conflicting requirements. Any convex optimization problem has geometric interpretation.


Convex optimization and dual problem
Convex optimization and linear algebra
Convex optimization and cost function
Convex optimization and tensors
Convex optimization and derivatives
Convex optimization and operation research
Large-scale convex optimization via monotone operators
Non convex optimization
Convex optimization-based beamforming
Smoothed online convex optimization based on discounted-normal-predictor
Bandit convex optimization
Bandit convex optimization algorithm
Convex optimization based method
Convex optimization calculator
Convex optimization. cambridge university press 2004
Difference between convex and plano convex lens
Convex lens is for
What is convex curvature
Convex lens problems
Convex optimization easy