Cooking basics for college students

  • What are the 5 basic cooking skills?

    10 Essential Cooking Skills That Every Cook Should Know

    Master the Art of Boiling. How To Cut an Onion the Right Way. Salt Your Cooking as You Go. Make a Basic Vinaigrette. Harness the Power of Roasting for More Flavorful Vegetables. Create a Proper Sear. Deglaze a Pan to Make a Simple Sauce..

  • What are the 5 basics of cooking?

    10 Tips to Teach Yourself to Cook

    1. Get Into a Routine.
    2. Like anything, learning to cook well requires practice.
    3. Start With the Basics
    4. Keep It Simple
    5. Grow Your Spice Collection
    6. Invest in a Set of Pans
    7. Make Sure Your Knives Are Sharp
    8. Plan Ahead
    9. Cook in Bulk

  • What are the basic cooking skills for students?


    Whether you are chopping a carrot or fresh herbs, a basic understanding of culinary knife skills should be the first thing you master in the kitchen. SAUTEEING. ROASTING. BLANCHING. EMULSIFICATION..

  • What should I learn to cook for college?

    Basics include bake, broil and roast (in the oven), and stir-fry, boil or sauté (on the stove).
    They should also learn the names for pots, pans, spatulas and other useful utensils..

15 Basic Cooking Skills You Need to Learn Before You Graduate College
  • Grocery shop for yourself. PIN IT.
  • Cook pasta al dente. PIN IT.
  • Roast veggies. PIN IT.
  • Grill chicken that's actually flavorful. PIN IT.
  • Crockpot it up. PIN IT.
  • Brew the perfect cup of coffee. PIN IT.
  • Make your own salad dressing.
  • Cook rice without a rice cooker.

What to Look For

1. Things that are dishwasher, microwave, oven, and freezer safe 2.

What Your College Kitchen Doesn't Need

1. Unitaskers that take up a lot of space and rarely get used 2. Massive "convenience" sets tha…

Pots and Pans For Your College Kitchen

10. A small non-stick skillet for frying eggs and making grilled cheese with minimal clean up, etc. While I generally advise agains…

College Kitchen Appliances

15. A clear electric kettle for tea, hot cocoa, coffee, and yes, of course, instant noodles Sure you can boil water on the stove, but you're probably stud…


I polled my Twitter and Instagram followers to ask them what college kitchen gear they were most glad to have. Here's what they said: 1. George Fore…

Is College a good time to learn cooking?

There’s a surprising amount you can do even in ultra-limited space or on a tight budget, and college is a great time to start learning that

As @aliphin says, “I wish I knew how to cook in college! Didn’t learn until a few years later

Ate too much pizza & ramen as result

” Didn’t we all, Alice, didn’t we all


What are some college kitchen essentials?

If there’s ONE item to get on this list of college kitchen essentials, it’s this one

Mugs are always useful

This one is bigger than your average mug so it is perfect for mug cakes, soups, oatmeal, etc! Space can be really tight in dorm rooms

Any equipment that multitasks, like these plates that could also be bowls, is worth the investment


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