Cooperative management ppt

  • What is the management structure of a cooperative?

    The organizational structure of a cooperative is based on demo- cratic principles.
    As owners of the business, the members are the decision makers.
    Members control their cooperative through a Board of Directors that they elect from among themselves..

  • Cooperation in the workplace means that everyone works together to solve problems.
    Employees and managers should be involved in decisions about what needs to be done.
    Everyone should work together to reach common goals.
    Make sure you set the groundwork for your ideas on cooperating with others.
2. MEANING Cooperative management, also co- management, tries to achieve more effective and equitable systems of resource management. In cooperative management, 

How do you manage a cooperative?

In a cooperative, management also must strongly emphasize member relations because ownership, control, and patronage all are member functions

This involves adequate two-way communication and information from management to members and from members to management

What are the principles of cooperative movement?


Co-operation is based on the principal of self-help through mutual help, abolition of profits and service above self


In cooperation, individual freedom occupies a very important position


The principles of ‘voluntary association’ and ‘democratic management’ are the guidelines for the cooperative movement


What is a good book on cooperative management?

Dubashi P R

: Principles and Philosophy of co-operation 5

Sinha and Sahaya R

Management of Cooperative Enterprises, National Council for Cooperative Training, New Delhi 6

ICA: Readings in Co-operative Management 7 KrishnaswamyO R

:Co-operative Account Keeping 8

Manikkavasakam: A Treatise on Co-operative Account Keeping 9


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