Cooperative management is

  • What is the role of management in co operative?

    Management combines ideas, processes, materials, facilities, and people to effectively provide needed services to member-owners.
    Management is the decisionmaking element of the cooperative..

Cooperative management is complex. It often involves managing the affairs of sev- eral unlike businesses under one structure. Adding to the complexity, the user-owner cooperative business must satisfy the majority of the customers. All have different needs depending upon how they are inter- acting with the business.
The co-operative method of management is modelled after participatory democracy: depending on their size, co-operative members not only vote for their board members or representatives but directly participate in the management and decision-making process of the organization.

What is a cooperative management team?

Cooperative management should be regarded as a team consisting of four elements — members (owners), board of directors (elected), the manager (hired), and other responsible employees (paid)

Each part of the team has its own distinctive duties and responsibilities for performing management functions in a cooperative

What is a cooperative?

an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise

But what does it mean? Explaining what a cooperative is :

A cooperative or co-op is a business structure that is owned and democratically controlled by its member-owners who utilize its services. The cooperative is formed because of the recognition by persons that as individuals they cannot achieve their economic or social goals by working separately.A cooperative manager is the gatekeeper or liaison between the board of directors and the employee group. The manager communicates the board’s strategic goals to the employee group and communicates employee concerns and needs to the board. The cooperative manager both receives and disseminates information.,An incorporated cooperative operates independently and can enter into contractsas a separate legal entityin many parts of the worl…


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