Copyright law research guide

  • What is research copyright?

    Copyright in research outputs
    Your research outputs, such as papers, datasets and diagrams are all likely to be protected automatically by copyright.
    Depending on the nature of your research they may also be protected by other types of intellectual property, such as database rights, patents or design rights..

Aug 22, 2022This guide focuses on one area of intellectual property law, copyright law, and identifies print and electronic materials on the American 

Can a copyright be used for non-commercial research?

These activities are at first glance prohibited by copyright law.
However, copyright allows making single copies or taking short extracts of works when the use is made for non-commercial research or for private study.
The purpose is to provide students and researchers broader access to copyright works.


What are the copyright laws in major jurisdictions?

Here is an overview of the laws in major jurisdictions.
The basis of copyright protection in the U.S. is the Copyright Act of 1976.
It grants authors and artists the exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display their works.
Websites fall under this protection because they contain creative elements like written content and images.


What is a copyright reform?

It reformulates almost completely the statutory basis of copyright law (including:

  • performing rights) in the United Kingdom
  • which had
  • until then
  • been governed by the Copyright Act 1956 (c. 74).
    It also creates an unregistered design right, and contains a number of modifications to the law of the United Kingdom on Registered Designs and patents .

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