Copyright law on artwork

  • What artworks can be copyrighted?

    Copyright applies to all works of an artistic nature including, but not limited to, photographs, paintings, sculptures, maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, cartoons (static not moving animations), logos, engravings, sketches, blueprints and buildings or models of buildings..

  • Any work published before 1924 is now in the public domain and can be freely used in your work.
    Any images created before 1924, like this painting by Van Gogh (1888), are copyright free.
  • Copyright ownership is distinct from ownership of the physical piece of artwork.
    When an artist creates a painting, the artist owns both the copyright in the artwork, and the physical artwork.
    Ownership of the copyright is an intellectual property right.
Aug 4, 2016After an artist creates a piece, they have the right to make copies of their work, distribute those copies, perform or display the work publicly 

What is the copyright law regarding artwork?

Finally, artwork can be subject to rules regarding works made for hire, since artwork is often commissioned.
Copyright law prohibits the unauthorized copying, redistribution, performance or display of a copyrighted work.


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