Copyright infringement att

  • How do you get rid of copyright infringement?

    It is essential to have safeguards in place to ensure that you do not unintentionally infringe on an author's copyright.

    1. Always assume that the work is copyrighted
    2. Do not copy, share or alter without seeking permission
    3. Review and retain licensing agreements
    4. Have an IP policy for your business
    5. Talk to your lawyer

  • How do you know if you are copyright infringement?

    If you copy, reproduce, display, or otherwise hold out another's work (such as an image, musical recording, article, or any other type of work that you did not create) as your own, you are undoubtedly infringing on copyrighted material.
    This is true whether you benefited financially from the use or not..

  • What do I do if I get a copyright infringement notice from my ISP?

    What Do I Do If I Received a Copyright Infringement Notice?

    1. Don't call the ISP and/or copyright holder
    2. Contact an experienced copyright infringement defense lawyer
    3. Don't offer to pay for the content
    4. Don't attempt to justify the action
    5. Don't publish disparaging remarks
    6. Don't continue to pirate content

  • What do I do if I receive copyright infringement notice?

    Do not ignore copyright infringement notices.
    If you have questions about the legality and the next steps you should take, speak with an experienced copyright attorney.
    Consult an online service provider for assistance protecting your intellectual property..

  • What is the AT&T copyright infringement notice?

    The AT&T Copyright Alert Program informs you about possible copyright infringement on your Internet service account (like unlawful video or audio file sharing) so that you, as the account owner, can take steps to prevent any future possible infringement using your Internet service account..

If you or any other user(s) of your account copy, reproduce, adapt, or distribute copyrighted material without authorization, you are infringing those rights.
AT&T provides an online form that copyright holders should use to send notifications related to alleged copyright infringement by its customers. Copyright holders can access AT&T's online form at
AT&T's Copyright Alert Program is designed to help make our customers aware of possible instances of copyright infringement using their Internet service account 

Does AT&T share copyrighted content?

AT&T provides a mechanism for owners of copyrighted content (e.g. music, movies, videos, books, artwork, and images) to notify AT&T if they believe that a customer is using AT&T's transitory digital network communications service (i.e.
Internet Service) to share copyrighted content without their permission.


What happens if a service provider receives a copyright infringement letter?

Please be aware as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to remove or terminate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this letter.
In case you do not cease the utilization of the aforementioned copyrighted content a court action will likely be initiated against you.


What happens if you infringe copyrights on AT&T Internet?

Using your Internet service to infringe copyrights is illegal and a violation of the AT&T Internet Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), which applies to all users of your account, and could result inmitigation measures including:

  • limitation of Internet access or even suspension or termination.
    How does this affect me? .
  • ,

    What is AT&T's Copyright Alert program?

    AT&T's Copyright Alert Program is designed to help make our customers aware of possible instances of copyright infringement using their Internet service account in order to help them take measures to prevent future possible infringement.


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