Intellectual property law by salao pdf

  • How does WIPO protect intellectual property?

    WIPO provides a multi-stakeholder forum to advance the understanding of the IP issues involved in the development of AI applications throughout the economy and society and its significant impact on the creation, production and distribution of economic and cultural goods and services..

  • Inventors, designers, developers and authors can protect the ideas they have developed, for instance by means of copyright or patents.
    The aim is to prevent others from wrongly profiting from their creations or inventions.
  • IPR provide certain exclusive rights to the inventors or creators of that property, in order to enable them to reap commercial benefits from their creative efforts or reputation.
    There are several types of intellectual property protection like patent, copyright, trademark, etc.

What are intellectual property rights?

The term"intellectual property rights" consists of:a) Copyright and Related Rights;b) Trademarks and Service Marks;c) Geographic Indications;d) Industrial Designs;e) Patents;f) Layout-Designs (Topographies) of IntegratedCircuits; andg) Protection of Undisclosed Information (n,TRIPS).4.2.


What are the different types of intellectual property laws?

Intellectual Property Office (Structure and Jurisdiction) III.
Law on Patents IV.
Law on Trademarks, Service Marks and Trade Names V.
Law on Copyrights and other related rights VI.


What books should I read about intellectual property law?

Essentials of Intellectual Property Law (2016) by Ernesto C.
Salao 2.
Also read the chapter on the Intellectual Property Code from the book Commercial Law Review (2015) by Cesar L.
Villanueva & Gabriel S. Villanueva 3.
Codal Provisions:

  • a.
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    Who enacted the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines?

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled::

    Title. - This Act shall be known asthe "Intellectual Property Code of thePhilippines." Section 2.
    Declaration of State Policy.

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