Copyright law in jamaica

Is Registration Required For Copyright Protection?

Registration is not a compulsory requirement to obtain Copyright protection under the Copyright Act of Jamaica or any of the copyright laws of the countries that are members of the Berne Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
There is also no requirement for a work to be deposited at JIPO in order to obtain protection.
To sec.


What is the repeal of the Copyright Act?

(2) Without prejudice to section 25 of the Interpretation Act, the repeal under subsection (1) in relation to the Copyright Act, 191 1 of the United Kingdom includes , the repeal of any Order-in-Council or subsidiary legislation made under that Act, in so far as it has effect as part of the law of Jamaica.


Who Can Own Copyright?

The author of a work is the initial owner of the Copyright in that work.
All Jamaican nationals, citizens and habitual residents and corporate bodies established under Jamaican Law can qualify as owners under the Copyright Act.
Nationals, citizens and habitual residents and corporate bodies established under the laws of other specified countries (l.


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