Intellectual property health law

  • What is IP in healthcare?

    Intellectual property refers to intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields.
    In the context of health care, the concept relates to topics such as the use of generic medicines, specifically how companies can market and sell these products within specific geographic regions..

  • What is IP in medical practice?

    Intellectual property assignments provide hospitals and contract management groups with no added protection of their alleged intellectual property.
    Intellectual property assignments do, however, add the potential for a substantial windfall to hospitals and contract management groups that inappropriately demand them..

Mar 21, 2023Intellectual property law plays a crucial role in the healthcare industry, where innovation is the driving force behind improved healthcare.
Mar 21, 2023Patents play a crucial role in allowing medical device companies and developers to protect their proprietary technology. This protection allows 

Do intellectual property rights affect access to medicines?

Although this paper focuses on the role of intellectual property rights on access to medicines, it is recognized that limited access to medicines in countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region 3 is a multidimensional problem.


What is the importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)?

Intellectual property right (IPR) is an obligatory element that renders commercial value, identifies and protects both product and owners’ propriety ( Saha & Bhattacharya, 2011 ).
IP law works with objective to inspire the creator.
This motivates and encourages the urge for something new and novel.


What is the relationship between intellectual property and public health?

This chapter considers the relationship between intellectual property (IP) and public health with a primary focus on US patent law and international law.
The first part focuses on health innovation and considers the limits of patents and other exclusionary rights as a source of incentives for innovation to address certain public health priorities.

Intellectual Property Watch is a Geneva-based publication reporting on policy issues and influences relating to international organizations (IOs), especially those in Geneva such as the World Intellectual Property Organization, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization and International Telecommunication Union.
It also follows policy developments outside Geneva, and does some investigative reporting.


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