Intellectual property law lebanon

  • There is no international copyright law.
    However, it is possible to enforce your U.S. copyright overseas, provided that the country in which you are operating has signed on to any of the various international IP protection treaties.
Jul 26, 2022Existing IPR laws cover copyright, patent, trademarks, and geographical elements. Lebanon's 1999 Copyright Law largely complies with WTO 
Jul 26, 2022While Lebanon is not a WTO member, its intellectual property rights (IPR) legislation is generally compliant with Trade-Related Intellectual 

What is intellectual property law in Israel?

The field of intellectual property law in Israel is very diverse and includes ,protection of a wide range of assets.
In order to protect one’s intellectual assets properly – be it brands, industrial designs, artistic works, etc. – a deep familiarity with the local law is crucial.


What is intellectual property law?

Intellectual Property law protects and enforces the rights of the creators and owners of inventions, writing, music, designs and other work known as the “intellectual property.” Intellectual property law traditionally comprises four categories:

  • copyright
  • trademarks
  • patents
  • and trade secrets.
  • ,

    What kind of intellectual property law do we administer in Iran?

    We administer IP matters & legislation relating to patents, trademarks, designs with more than 10 years expreince by proffessional attorneys in Iran.
    We are a firm that specializes in providing global intellectual property services.

    Intellectual property law lebanon
    Intellectual property law lebanon

    Ministry of Lebanon

    The Ministry of Culture is a government ministry of Lebanon.


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