European copyright law book

  • What are the copyright laws in Europe?

    Nobody apart from you has the right to make the work public or reproduce it.
    In EU countries, copyright protects your intellectual property until 70 years after your death or 70 years after the death of the last surviving author in the case of a work of joint authorship..

£289.00 In stock'This is a very useful publication on European copyright law. Written by recognized experts, it covers all legislative sources, even the most recent, 

What are the EU laws relating to copyright?

The Act transposes the following EU legislative acts:

  • a) Council Directive 91/250/EEC on the legal protection of computer programs (OJ L 122
  • 17.5.1991, p. 114); b) Council Directive 92/100/EEC on the rental right and lending right and certain rights related in copyright in the field of intellectual property (OJ L 346, 27.11.1992, p. 120); .
  • ,

    What is the approach to copyright law?

    The approach chosen by the authors is to present side by side the various national provisions in the field and to give a succinct and objective description of the current legal situation in the area of copyright as it exists today in each of those Member States.


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