Intellectual property law hong kong

  • How does China handle intellectual property?

    China primarily follows a "first-to-file" rule for IP registration, which means that the first entity or individual to register IP rights will hold those rights exclusively, regardless of the original user, with limited exceptions..

  • What is the IP law in Hong Kong?

    Intellectual Property Defined
    Copyright subsists in original literary works, dramatic works, artistic works, musical works, sound recordings, films, broadcasts, cable programmes and typographical arrangement.
    The copyright owner enjoys the exclusive rights to carry out acts restricted by the copyright..

  • What is the law on piracy in Hong Kong?

    Those who commit copyright piracy, such as making of or possession of infringing articles for trade or business, may be subject to a term of imprisonment of up to four years and a maximum fine of HK$50,000 per infringing article.
    Importing or exporting pirated articles is a criminal offence..

  • What is the property law in Hong Kong?

    Property law is comprised of matters regarding the assignment and purchase of buildings, but it also deals with the concept of tenant and landlord regulations, which is a part of property law.
    Land transactions are further governed by the Land Registration Ordinance..

  • Those who commit copyright piracy, such as making of or possession of infringing articles for trade or business, may be subject to a term of imprisonment of up to four years and a maximum fine of HK$50,000 per infringing article.
    Importing or exporting pirated articles is a criminal offence.
Jan 4, 2023The Customs and Excise Department is responsible for enforcing the criminal aspects of infringement of intellectual property rights. It 
Intellectual property rights are protected in Hong Kong under various ordinances, which include: Copyright Ordinance. Prevention of Copyright Privacy Ordinance. Trade Marks Ordinance.

Can a patent be registered in Hong Kong?

Inventions, utility patents and design patents (in Hong Kong, design patents are called registered designs) can be registered to be protected.
Also, alternatively, Hong Kong has a re-registration system for utility patents.


How are IP rights enforced in Hong Kong and China?

There are several enforcement options in Hong Kong and China available to holders of IP rights.
Available remedies in the two jurisdictions are similar.
They include:

  • In China
  • IP holders may choose administrative proceedings to enforce their rights.
    These proceedings tend to be faster and less prone to local influence.
  • ,

    What does the Intellectual Property Department do?

    The Intellectual Property Department was established in July 1990 to give professional advice to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on policy and legislation related to IP, provide civil legal advice on IP matters to the Government, and promote public awareness of and respect for IP rights.


    Why should Hong Kong protect intellectual property rights?

    Hong Kong is an international trading centre, we need to provide the necessary intellectual property rights protection to our investors to assure them of a free and fair environment in which to do business.
    Thus it is in our very interest to protect intellectual property rights.
    What is protected? .

    The patent law in Hong Kong is based on the Hong Kong Patents Ordinance of 27 June 1997, as last amended on 22 February 2008.
    The Hong Kong patent system is independent from the patent system in the People's Republic of China (PRC), in that a patent granted for Hong Kong SAR takes effect in Hong Kong only and does not provide for protection in the People's Republic of China (PRC).


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