Corporate law qatar

  • Can you own 100 of a company in Qatar?

    The Free Zones (QFZ and QFC) in Qatar allow for 100% ownership.
    It is also possible to own 100% in certain limited sectors in the mainland – e.g. agriculture, health care, education, industry, mining and minerals and so forth.
    Ministerial permission is required for this however, this is a time-consuming process..

  • Does Qatar follow Sharia law?

    The state religion is Islam, and Sharia (Islamic law) is a main source of legislation.
    The government generally respected religious freedom in law and in practice, although some groups had difficulty formally registering with the government as required for all organizations..

  • What is the legal framework of Qatar?

    The Qatari Constitution provides basic civil and human rights.
    It stipulates that all citizens are equal in general rights and duties.
    Additionally, all people are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination on the grounds of gender, ethnic origin, language or religion..

  • What type of law is Qatar?

    National law incorporates both secular legal traditions and Sharia (Islamic law), with the exception of a separate limited dispute resolution system for financial service companies managed under the Qatar Financial Center..

  • Qatar also has strict penalties against the act of prostitution.
    Article 298 imposes up to 10 years' imprisonment for prostitution against any person who uses prostitution as a profession. (Law No. 11 of 2004, art.
Every company incorporated in the State of Qatar shall be a Qatari company, and the headquarters thereof shall be based in Qatar. However, this provision shall 
In Qatar there are two corporate legal systems (the Qatar Financial Centre and the domestic corporate law, primarily governed by the Commercial Companies Law 


The Amending Law stipulates that the Minister will issue regulatory decisions for the purposes of satisfying the requirements set forth in the AML/CTF Law Number 20 of 2019.
These regulatory decisions will determine the data and records of companies that must be maintained, and the manner in which such data may be accessed and disclosed to the regu.


Can private shareholding companies trade on the Qatar Stock Exchange?

The Amending Law removed the restriction under the Companies Law that prohibited private shareholding companies from trading on the Qatar Stock Exchange, although the process and requirements for trading have not yet been determined by the Ministry or the Qatar Stock Exchange.


Corporate Governance

The Amending Law strengthens the rules on conflicts of interest and recognises the concept of senior executive management.
The Amending Law requires the chairman, members of the board of directors, and senior executive management of a public shareholding company to periodically disclose to the general assembly the positions they occupy, whether in .


General Assemblies

The Amending Law stipulates that a general assembly meeting of a public shareholding company may be held through means of modern technology, and that shareholders may attend and vote in general assembly meetings through electronic means, in accordance with the guidelines specified by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce (the Ministry) and the QFMA..



An important change introduced by the Amending Law allows the articles of association of a public shareholding company to provide a class of shares with privileges with respect to voting rights, profits, liquidation, or other matters.
The requirements and conditions of preferred shares will be determined by a decision of the Minister of Economy and.



The Amending Law prohibits subsidiaries of holding companies and public shareholding companies from owning shares in their parent companies.


What is the Qatar commercial companies law?

The Qatar Commercial Companies Law Number 11 of 2015 (the Companies Law) has recently been amended by Law Number 8 of 2021 (the Amending Law).
The Amending Law introduces significant changes to the Companies Law, enhancing the legal and regulatory framework in the State of Qatar.


Who is a good partner for a company in Qatar?

Associates Charlotte Radcliffe and Joelle Salame are both well recommended, especially in respect of corporate structuring. ‘The team has been in Qatar for a longtime, they combine international standards with knowledge of local laws and applied practices.’ ‘Zaher Namour is an excellent partner.


Who is the Best M&A lawyer in Qatar?

‘White & Case is the best international law firm in Qatar.
They are strong and sophisticated in all areas they practice, including:

  • commercial
  • corporate & M&A.’ ‘Michael Visser is a world-class M&A lawyer; very smart and highly responsive.’ .
  • The Qatar Law Forum of Global Leaders in Law is a non-profit institution established under the patronage of the Government of Qatar with the purpose of bringing together prominent members of the global legal community, in addition to senior figures in the fields of economics, and politics.
    The inaugural Law Forum was held in Doha from 29–31 May 2009.


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