Corporate law and governance review

  • What are corporate governance issues?

    Major corporate governance issues include:
    Fairness – Stakeholders at all levels should be treated equitably and reasonably.
    Violations should be redressed effectively.
    Transparency – the organisation should not need to keep secrets.
    Outsiders should be able to observe the organisation's transactions and processes..

  • What are the principles and ethics of corporate governance?

    The basic principles of corporate governance are accountability, transparency, fairness, responsibility, and risk management..

  • What is the corporate governance law in India?

    The organizational framework for corporate governance initiatives in India consists of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
    SEBI monitors and regulates corporate governance of listed companies in India through Clause 49..

  • The organizational framework for corporate governance initiatives in India consists of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
    SEBI monitors and regulates corporate governance of listed companies in India through Clause 49.
Corporate Law & Governance Review is published twice a year by Virtus Interpress. The Journal has been established to publish high quality theoretical and empirical studies in corporate law and governance with application to both macro and microeconomic issues.
This is a hybrid journal. Corporate Law & Governance Review is published twice a year by Virtus Interpress. The Journal has been established to publish high  Journal PoliciesGeneral informationEditorial BoardInstructions for authors

Environmental Proposals

Climate change was the prevailing theme across the vast majority of the 36 environmental proposals that reached a vote during the 2021 season. 13 of the 36 environmental shareholder proposals that reached a vote passed.
That equates to a passage rate of over 36% and is more than double the number that passed in the 2020 proxy season (5 proposals). .


Governance Proposals

The number of governance proposals voted upon in 2021 (246) increased slightly compared to the 2020 and 2019 proxy seasons (237 and 221, respectively).
Proposals addressing the right to act by written consent was the most prevalent category of proposals, followed by a variety of proposals addressing topics such as separation of chair and CEO, as we.


How many governance proposals were voted on in 2021?

The number of governance proposals voted upon in 2021 (246) increased slightly compared to the 2020 and 2019 proxy seasons (237 and 221, respectively).


Should corporations be governed?

Corporate governance has become a topic of broad public interest as the power of institutional investors has increased and the impact of corporations on society has grown.
Yet ideas about how corporations should be governed vary widely.


Social Proposals

122 socially-focused shareholder proposals went to a vote during 2021.
Proposals relating to political spending accounted for almost 35% of such measures, and proposals relating to workforce diversity, racial equity and human rights each accounted for approximately 10% of proposals voted.
Twenty social proposals passed in the 2021 season, and consi.


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