Corporate law loophole

  • How do you find loopholes?

    Use Your Mirrors.
    Loopholes are like potholes; you often don't see them until it's too late and you're stuck with a flat tire and headache.
    Keep your eyes open and proactively be on the lookout for when the next one might arise..

  • What are the most popular tax loopholes used by corporations?

    Their most lucrative (and perfectly legal) tax avoidance strategies include accelerated depreciation, the offshoring of profits, generous deductions for appreciated employee stock options, and tax credits..

  • What is an example of a loophole?

    A loophole is basically a technicality that allows one to escape violating the law through some activity.
    Common loopholes are found in taxes and avoiding taxes, as well as with political issues such as political donations..

  • What is the meaning of big loophole?

    noun. a means of escape or evasion; a means or opportunity of evading a rule, law, etc.: There are a number of loopholes in the tax laws whereby corporations can save money..

  • What is the meaning of loophole in the legislation?

    countable noun.
    A loophole in the law is a small mistake which allows people to do something that would otherwise be illegal..

  • What is the meaning of loophole?

    noun. a means of escape or evasion; a means or opportunity of evading a rule, law, etc.: There are a number of loopholes in the tax laws whereby corporations can save money..

  • What is the meaning of secret loophole?

    : a means of escape. especially : an ambiguity or omission in the text through which the intent of a statute, contract, or obligation may be evaded.
    2a. : a small opening through which small arms may be fired..

  • What is the rule loophole?

    Legal loopholes are distinct from lacunae, although the two terms are often used interchangeably.
    In a loophole, a law addressing a certain issue exists, but can be legally circumvented due to a technical defect in the law, such as a situation where the details are under-specified..

  • a failure to include something in an agreement or law, which allows someone to do something illegal or to avoid doing something: They plan to close a loophole that allows businesses to avoid paying off redundant workers.
  • It is derived from its literal use, a slit in a wall, allowing the people within to watch for approaching enemies.
    They were then used to shoot at attackers.
    Figuratively, loopholes are “holes” or “faults” in legal documents or laws that are recognized and taken advantage of to advance an argument.
  • noun. a means of escape or evasion; a means or opportunity of evading a rule, law, etc.: There are a number of loopholes in the tax laws whereby corporations can save money.
A loophole allows a person or business to avoid the scope of a law or restriction without directly violating the law.
A loophole is a technicality that allows a person or business to avoid the scope of a law or restriction without directly violating the law. Used often in 

Antitrust Loopholes

Ordinarily, when one big company acquires another, they have to notify the Department of Justice, which decides if the merger violates anti-monopoly regulati…

Punitive Damages Deduction

When an ordinary person gets a speeding ticket, they don't get to write that off as a tax deduction at the end of the year. But when corporations are found criminall…

Patent Injunctions

Patent injunctions are corporations' favorite tools for bullying and intimidating rising competitors. Ideally, when a patent-holding corporation belie…

Volcker Rule: Government Debt Exception

The long-awaited Volcker Rule, a provision in the Dodd-Frank bill that aims to finally get commercial banks out of the risky trading business, was mea…

Volcker Rule: Foreign Bank Exemption

One of the financial sector's loudest arguments against the Volcker Rule was that the restriction against proprietary trading reduced U.S. banks' com…

Carried Interest

Some hedge fund managers and corporate CEOs manage pay to drastically lower taxes on their income by calling it something else: carried interest. Carried int…

Unlimited and Anonymous Campaign Donations

Most people are familiar with why super PACs are bad, namely their complete abrogation of any limits on campaign donations. For a brief moment, there was a silve…

Last-In, First-Out Accounting

Lifo is a pretty standard accounting practice that lets companies track the value of their inventory by what the last piece of product sold for, sparin…


During the early 20th century, a slew of federal agricultural policies were instituted to insure small farmers from changing weather and preserve a dependa…

What are the worst legal loopholes corporations have come up with?

Such corporate loopholes have allowed multi-billion dollar corporations to do things like circumvent campaign finance law, stiff the IRS and get generous tax subsidies for criminal malfeasance

Here are 11 of the worst legal loopholes corporations have come up with: 1

Tax havens and transfer pricing

What if we closed the tax loophole?

Not only is this blatantly unfair, but closing the loophole would have also generated about $14 billion in tax revenue

“This will improve the efficiency and equity of our tax system, as well as generate significant revenue

” Q: How is this related to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s attempts to broker a worldwide 15% minimum corporate tax?

What is a loophole in business?

Loopholes are most prevalent in complex business deals involving tax issues, political issues, and legal statutes

They can be found within contract details, building codes, and tax codes, among others

A loophole is basically a technicality that allows one to escape violating the law through some activity

A loophole, in the context of finance and business, refers to an ambiguity or inadequacy in a system, such as a law or a set of rules, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the intent of the system. They often exist as a result of the complexity and detail-oriented nature of business legislation.


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