Cosmetology license

  • How do I get my cosmetology license in Massachusetts?

    How to Become a Cosmetologist in Massachusetts

    1. Get Your Cosmetology Education and Training
    2. Apply for the Massachusetts Cosmetology Examinations and License
    3. Pass the Necessary Examinations and Receive Your Massachusetts Cosmetology License
    4. Maintain and Upgrade Your Massachusetts Cosmetologist License

  • What makes you a cosmetologist?

    Cosmetologists are trained in the art and science of beautifying and caring for hair, nails, and skin.
    Their daily duties might include: Cutting and coloring hair and adding extensions.
    Performing manicures and pedicures..

A cosmetology license allows you to provide service to the hair, head, face, neck or scalp of a human being, including but not limited to shaving, trimming,  Cosmetology ReciprocityEndorsement StatesDomestic Violence and Sexual
A cosmetology license allows you to provide service to the hair, head, face, neck or scalp of a human being, including but not limited to shaving, trimming,  RequirementsFeesPractical ExamRenew or Update
Almost all states offer a cosmetology license of some kind. The licensing process can vary, and it's important to stay current on your state's requirements.

How do I get a cosmetology license?

But cosmetologists in every state have to complete approved training through a school (or, in some states, an apprenticeship) and pass one or more tests

This guide can help you learn about common cosmetology license requirements in the United States

You can also jump ahead to learn specific license requirements in your state

How often should a cosmetologist renew a license?

The typical range is every one to four years, although most states require cosmetologists to renew their license every two years

A handful of states have additional continuing education requirements that must be met for license renewal

Different state boards may require you to pass the exam again if your license has expired

What is a cosmetology certification?

Certifications offered for additional techniques, treatments, or services vary from state to state

One internationally recognized example of a cosmetology certification is granted by CIDESCO

Cosmetology License Renewal
Cosmetology licensure involves completing training hours and at least one exam, as well as applying and paying a fee to the state. All states allow in-school training, and some allow cosmetology apprenticeships. State requirements can change, so always double check your state board for specific questions.
The Minnesota School of Cosmetology is a for-profit cosmetology school with one location in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul metro, The campus is located in Woodbury, Minnesota.
The school offers a complete 1550-hour course in cosmetology, a 600 hour course in esthiology, a 500 hour course in massage therapy, and a 38 hour instructor course.
A secondary location was located in Plymouth, Minnesota from 2012 to 2020.


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