Cosmetology license lookup

  • Can I renew my cosmetology license after expiration date in NY?

    If you are renewing 185 days or more after the date printed on your license, you are required to satisfy additional education requirements.
    For each year after your license has expired you are required to complete an additional 14 hours of education..

How do I find forms and publications for cosmetology licenses?

Just visit the official website of your state Board of Cosmetology and use the license lookup tool provided by the page

As a rule, you will need to provide your name and last name, state, city, and license type

In some cases, you will also need to clarify the search purpose (for example, person, school, or salon)

How do I look up a cosmetology license?

If you do not know your cosmetology license number, you can do a license lookup

Just visit the official website of your state Board of Cosmetology and use the license lookup tool provided by the page

As a rule, you will need to provide your name and last name, state, city, and license type

How long does it take to get a cosmetology license?

The time it will take you to get a cosmetology license mainly depends on the licensing process of the state

The process typically includes enrolling in an approved cosmetology program, taking examinations, and applying for the license

If you engage in an associate degree program, it will take you two years to finish


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