Cosmology wikipedia

  • Words related to cosmology

    Answer and Explanation: Cosmology is split into four main branches of study: Physical Cosmology : which deals with physics, astronomy, and astrophysics.
    Religious Cosmology : the origin stories of different religious groups..

  • Words related to cosmology

    Cosmology is as old as humankind.
    Once primitive socal groups developed language, it was a short step to making their first attempts to understand the world around them.
    Very early cosmology, from Neolithic times of 20,000 to 100,000 years ago, was extremely local.
    The Universe was what you immediately interacted with..

  • Words related to cosmology

    Our cosmology is the operating consciousness that informs our actions, determines our beliefs, and sets the horizons of possibilities for the personal journey of self..

Physical cosmology is the branch of physics and astrophysics that deals with the study of the physical origins and evolution of the universe. It also includes the study of the nature of the universe on a large scale. In its earliest form, it was what is now known as "celestial mechanics", the study of the heavens.
Physical cosmology is the study of the observable universe's origin, its large-scale structures and dynamics, and the ultimate fate of the universe, including  Physical cosmologyReligious cosmologyBiblical cosmologyHindu cosmology


Physics and Astrophysics have played central roles in shaping our understanding of the universe through scientific observation and experiment


Physical cosmology is the branch of physics and astrophysics that deals with the study of the physical origins and evolution of the universe

See also

• Absolute time and space• Big History• Earth


• Bragg, Melvyn (2023). "The Universe's Shape". BBC. Retrieved 23 May 2023. Melvyn Bragg discusses shape

Is cosmology really a science?

cosmology is the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole

Well, it is a branch of astronomy concerned with study of origin and evolution of universe

Branch of science which deals with scientific study of origin and evolution of universe


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Cosmology websites
Cosmology with one galaxy
Cosmology wheel
Xenoverse cosmology
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Xenophanes cosmology