Xkcd cosmology

  • What does xkcd stand for?

    According to the xkcd FAQ and Randall Munroe himself, the name "xkcd" doesn't stand for anything.
    In a Google speech, he said that it originated as a previously unused random four-letter string which he used as his username on various internet services.
    See also 207: What xkcd Means..

  • What is the explanation of xkcd 2828?

    In this comic, Cueball states that observations of light that passed through the atmosphere of a distant planet indicate that there are ghosts on that planet, because some of the light was absorbed in a way that is unique to ghosts..

  • What is xkcd explanation 2778?

    Cueball is explaining a recipe to White Hat, describing it as Fusion cuisine, typically used to describe a style of cuisine based on combining aspects of the cuisines of two or more cultures[citation needed], such as a combination of French and Chinese food, or Mexican and Korean food..

  • Randall MunroeRandall Patrick Munroe (born October 17, 1984) is an American cartoonist, author, and engineer best known as the creator of the webcomic xkcd.


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