Aztec cosmology quizlet

  • How does the Aztec religion divide up the universe?

    According to Aztec worldview, the universe consisted of three layers.
    The middle layer was the earthly one, inhabited by humans.
    Above that world, the Aztecs imaged thirteen levels or heavens, Omeyocan, the “place of duality,” being the uppermost.
    Below the earthly layer, there were the nine levels of the underworld..

  • How was the Aztec emperor chosen?

    New emperors were elected by a high council of four nobles who were related to the rulers before.
    Emperors were usually chosen from among the brothers or sons of the deceased ruler..

  • What is the Aztec Empire quizlet?

    Aztec Empire. (1428 - 152.

    1. A Mesoamerican empire that formed as a result of an alliance between three major cities in the Valley of Mexico.
    2. The Aztec people had occupied the Valley of Mexico since at least the 13th century.
      Tenochtitl\xe1n, which was founded in 1325, became the capital city of the Aztec Empire.

  • What is the Aztec Empire quizlet?

    Aztec Empire. (1428 - 152.

    1. A Mesoamerican empire that formed as a result of an alliance between three major cities in the Valley of Mexico

  • What is the meaning of Aztec quizlet?

    Mesoamerican people who established an advanced civilization and powerful empire in the area of present-day Mexico City that existed from circa 1325 to 1521..

  • What was the Aztec religion based on quizlet?

    The Aztec religion is based off of and revolves around dates and had a varied set of over 1000 gods that all controlled different parts of nature.
    The two most important gods were the sun god and the god of water..

  • What was the Aztec view of history quizlet?

    Unlike other Mesoamerican peoples, the Aztecs rejected the cyclical view of history for a more modern historical view based on the history of their empire..

  • Aztec rule has been described by scholars as "hegemonic" or "indirect".
    The Aztecs left rulers of conquered cities in power so long as they agreed to pay semi-annual tribute to the alliance, as well as supply military forces when needed for the Aztec war efforts.
  • Clans in Aztec society, later expanded to include residential groups that distributed land and provided labor and warriors.
    Boys began formal education at the age of 10.
    They learned about religion and were taught fighting skills.
    The women cooked meals and attended to the family.
  • The Aztec religion is based off of and revolves around dates and had a varied set of over 1000 gods that all controlled different parts of nature.
    The two most important gods were the sun god and the god of water.
Rating 5.0 (4) In analyzing Aztec cosmology. C. it assumed the existence of divine and material worlds. Aztec religion. C. employed human ritual sacrifices, often inolving 
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like According to Aztec cosmology, what god created and ordered the world?


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