Baumann cosmology notes

  • At some point the expansion stopped because the energy density dropped and the elementary particles in the table were created out of the available energy.
    The inflaton field is a hypothetical scalar field that is theorized to drive cosmic inflation in the very early universe.
  • In a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, our universe underwent a growth spurt that shaped the structure we see today.
    Inflation took place long before our earliest snapshot of the universe, the cosmic microwave background (CMB).

Are there any TASI lectures on primordial cosmology?

The following is a preliminary version of D.Baumann’s TASI Lectures on Primordial Cosmology.


How can cosmologists reconstruct the history of the universe?

Nevertheless, cosmologists have been able to reconstruct a lot of the history of the universe from a limited amount of observational clues.
This culminated in the CDM model which describes the cosmological evolution from 1 second after the Big Bang until today, 13.8 billion year later.


Who is David Baumann?

Since 2011, he has been a faculty member at Cambridge University, until he was appointed Professor of Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Amsterdam in 2015.
Baumann has received numerous awards, including:

  • an ERC Starting Grant
  • an NWO VIDI Grant and a Jade Mountain Visiting Professorship at National Taiwan University.

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