Information about cosmology

  • Cosmological theories

    Types of Cosmology

    Physical cosmology (Wikipedia), incorporating physics, astrophysics, and astronomy;Religious cosmology (Wikipedia), involving origin stories and mythologies from religious traditions;.

  • Cosmology scientists

    Cosmologists work to understand how the universe came into being,why it looks as it does now, and what the future holds.
    They makeastronomical observations that probe billions of years into the past,to the edge of the knowable universe..

Information about cosmology
Information about cosmology

Mystery of disappearance of information in a black hole

The black hole information paradox is a puzzle that appears when the predictions of quantum mechanics and general relativity are combined.
The theory of general relativity predicts the existence of black holes that are regions of spacetime from which nothing — not even light — can escape.
In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking applied the semi-classical approach of quantum field theory in curved spacetime to such systems and found that an isolated black hole would emit a form of radiation called Hawking radiation.
Hawking also argued that the detailed form of the radiation would be independent of the initial state of the black hole, and would depend only on its mass, electric charge and angular momentum.


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Cosmological horizon
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Cosmological aspect
Antigravity cosmology
Cosmology in antiquity
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Cosmology astronomy