Cosmology great attractor

  • Could the Great Attractor be God?

    After researching the subject, we could not find a single scientist on earth who has "connected the dots" between “The Great Attractor” (yes, it is real) and the “One God” who is feared and worshiped by a large percentage of the earth's population..

  • Is the Great Attractor another universe?

    The Great Attractor is just another supercluster.
    It is a region with higher-than-average density, just as there are lower-density regions too - the universe is not perfectly homogeneous, which is what makes astrophysics interesting..

  • Milky Way Supercluster

    The focal point of that movement is the Great Attractor, the product of billions of years of cosmic evolution.
    But we'll never reach our destination because, in a few billion years, the accelerating force of dark energy will tear the Universe apart.Apr 24, 2023.

  • Milky Way Supercluster

    What is the Great Attractor? The Great Attractor isn't really an object or a structure, but a region – it is virtually the focal point of the part of the observable Universe in which we reside.
    It is a concentration of mass that influences the movement of all the galaxies, including the Milky Way..

  • Other superclusters

    The focal point of that movement is the Great Attractor, the product of billions of years of cosmic evolution.
    But we'll never reach our destination because, in a few billion years, the accelerating force of dark energy will tear the Universe apart.Apr 24, 2023.

  • What are the theories on what the Great Attractor is?

    The Great Attractor is thought to be at the gravitational center of the Laniakea supercluster—of which the Milky Way is but one galaxy of 100,000 others.
    One theory is that it's a confluence of dark energy.
    Another is that it might be caused by over-density, an area of dense mass with an intense gravitational pull.Apr 20, 2018.

  • What do scientists think the Great Attractor is?

    The Great Attractor is a purported gravitational attraction in intergalactic space and the apparent central gravitational point of the Laniakea Supercluster of galaxies..

  • What is the Great Attractor in cosmology?

    The Great Attractor is a large mass found in space that acts as a gravitational anomaly.
    This concentration of mass exerts a strong gravitational pull on surrounding galaxies, including the Milky Way.
    The Milky Way is the name of the galaxy in which the Sun and its surrounding planets, including Earth, can be found..

  • What is the Great Attractor outside the observable universe?

    What is the Great Attractor? The Great Attractor isn't really an object or a structure, but a region – it is virtually the focal point of the part of the observable Universe in which we reside.
    It is a concentration of mass that influences the movement of all the galaxies, including the Milky Way..

  • Will Earth ever reach the Great Attractor?

    The focal point of that movement is the Great Attractor, the product of billions of years of cosmic evolution.
    But we'll never reach our destination because, in a few billion years, the accelerating force of dark energy will tear the Universe apart.Apr 24, 2023.

The Great Attractor is a purported gravitational attraction in intergalactic space and the apparent central gravitational point of the Laniakea Supercluster of galaxies.
The Great Attractor is a purported gravitational attraction in intergalactic space and the apparent central gravitational point of the Laniakea Supercluster  Shapley AttractorCfA2 Great WallZone of AvoidanceShapley Supercluster
The Great Attractor is thought to be at the gravitational center of the Laniakea supercluster—of which the Milky Way is but one galaxy of 100,000 others. One theory is that it's a confluence of dark energy. Another is that it might be caused by over-density, an area of dense mass with an intense gravitational pull.

Attractor in the Shapley supercluster

The Shapley attractor is an attractor located about the Shapley Supercluster.


Astronomy and cosmology at angkor wat
Early cosmology
Before space and time
Physics behind cosmology
Science behind cosmology
Cosmology and human origin
Difference between cosmology and cosmogony
Difference between cosmology and astrology
Difference between cosmology and ontology
Relationship between cosmology and metaphysics
Difference between cosmology and theology
Difference between cosmology and theoretical physics
Difference between cosmology and teleology
Difference between cosmology and space science
Difference between cosmology and philosophy
Distinguish between cosmology and cosmogony
Difference between cosmology and
Difference between cosmology and cosmogony meaning
Relationship between cosmology and particle physics
Difference between cosmology and cosmogenesis