Cosmological perspectivism in amazonia and elsewhere

  • What is Amazonian perspectivism?

    "Perspectivism and unstable bodies in Amazonia"
    In them, both humans and animals see themselves as humans and live as such, that is, they share the same culture; but unlike in animism, they do not see each other as such, but rather as animals or spirits..

  • This is how Brazilian anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro describes the essence of what he calls 'perspectivism' – a conception “according to which the world is inhabited by different sorts of subjects or persons, human and non-human, which apprehend reality from distinct points of view”.
Anthropologists translate ethnographic alterities into intensities of argument, transfiguring the aporia of 'culture shock' in the awe of brilliant thinking.

Can perspectivism be used to describe systems of thought outside Amazonia?

NNNA publication of four lectures given in Cambridge in 1998 in which Viveiros de Castro describes the principal ethnographic characteristics and theoretical consequences of perspectivism, incorporating more recent reflections on the possibilities of using this notion for describing systems of thought outside Amazonia.


Does the Amazonian notion of body correspond to a substantial identity?

In this article, the author argues that the Amazonian notion of body does not correspond to a substantial identity but to the subject’s point of view of itself and others.
Viveiros de Castro, E. 1996.
Os pronomes cosmológicos e o perspectivismo ameríndio.
Mana 2.2:

  • 115–144.
    NNNThe first attempt to articulate perspectivism, published in Portuguese.
  • ,

    What does Viveiros de Castro say about perspectivism?

    Viveiros de Castro, E. 1996.
    Os pronomes cosmológicos e o perspectivismo ameríndio.
    Mana 2.2:

  • 115–144.
    NNNThe first attempt to articulate perspectivism, published in Portuguese.
    It offers the ethnographic and conceptual background for the concept, as well as a discussion on corporality, kinship, animism, and ethnocentrism.
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    What is perspectivism in Amerindian mythology and cosmology?

    Perspectivism refers to recurrent characteristics found in Amerindian mythology and cosmology, but it also relates to war, hunting, kinship, and other social phenomena.
    These reveal a particular configuration of distinctions between humans and nonhumans, which are irreducible to Western distinctions between nature and culture.


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