Middle earth cosmology

  • Gods of valinor

    Eru Il\xfavatar, also known as the One, is the single omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent creator.
    He has been existing eternally in the Timeless Halls and possesses the Flame Imperishable in his spirit which kindles existence from nothingness..

  • Gods of valinor

    It's obviously still fiction, but by confirming that Middle-earth is actually just Earth, Tolkien made his fantasy series much more relatable and closer to home, removing the distance between our two universes and placing the audience right into this story's history..

  • Gods of valinor

    Middle-earth is the main continent of Earth (Arda) in an imaginary period of the Earth's past, ending with Tolkien's Third Age, about 6,000 years ago.
    Tolkien's tales of Middle-earth mostly focus on the north-west of the continent..

  • How realistic is Middle-earth?

    Tolkien scholars including John Garth have traced many features of Middle-earth to literary sources or real-world places.
    Some places in Middle-earth can be more or less firmly associated with a single place in the real world, while other locations have had two or more real-world origins proposed for them..

  • Is Middle-earth an alternate universe?

    It's obviously still fiction, but by confirming that Middle-earth is actually just Earth, Tolkien made his fantasy series much more relatable and closer to home, removing the distance between our two universes and placing the audience right into this story's history..

  • Is Middle-earth in our universe?

    For instance, Tolkien admitted in his published letters that the setting of Middle-earth is in fact based on our Earth's geography, with locations in his world mirroring countries in our own.
    Additionally, the books were very much influenced by Tolkien's own experiences in World War I..

  • What is the cosmology of the Lord of the Rings?

    The cosmology of J.
    Tolkien's legendarium combines aspects of Christian theology and metaphysics with pre-modern cosmological concepts in the flat Earth paradigm, along with the modern spherical Earth view of the Solar System.
    The created world, Eä, includes the planet Arda, corresponding to the Earth..

  • What is the Middle-earth based on?

    Is this true, or was Middle Earth simply based on Europe, but not actually on Earth.
    Yes, it was based on Europe.
    There are many places and cultures based on european cultures..

  • What is the Middle-earth universe called?

    The term Middle-earth has come to be applied as a short-hand for the entirety of Tolkien's legendarium, instead of the technically more appropriate, but lesser known terms "Arda" for the physical world and "Eä" for the physical reality of creation as a whole..

  • What is the Middle-earth universe?

    Middle-earth, also known as Ennor or Endor, is the main continent of Arda, Tolkien's imagined version of our Earth's past.
    Middle-earth is reminiscent of old Europe in the Middle Ages and earlier—with a significant difference..

The cosmology of J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium combines aspects of Christian theology and metaphysics with pre-modern cosmological concepts in the flat  OntologyEvil in Middle-earthFlat-earth cosmologySpherical-earth cosmology
The Elves who stayed in Middle-earth where Melkor once was dominant, being in bodies and surrounded by things that are themselves marred and subject to decay by  OntologyEvil in Middle-earthFlat-earth cosmologySpherical-earth cosmology

What is Middle-earth based on?

Middle-earth is the setting of much of the English writer J.
Tolkien 's fantasy.
The term is equivalent to the Miðgarðr of Norse mythology and Middangeard in Old English works, including:

  • Beowulf.
    Middle-earth is the human-inhabited world, that is, the central continent of the Earth, in Tolkien's imagined mythological past.
  • ,

    What is the difference between Arda and Middle earth?

    Arda versus "Middle-earth":

  • Middle-earth is in geographic terms the name of the continent inhabited by Elves
  • Dwarves and Men
  • excluding the home of the Valar on Aman
  • while Arda is the name of the world.
    However, "Middle-earth" is widely used for the whole of Tolkien's legendarium. ( Depicted:Arda in the Years of the Trees) .
  • ,

    What was Tolkien's Middle-earth?

    Within the overall context of his legendarium, Tolkien's Middle-earth was part of his created world of Arda (which includes ,the Undying Lands of Aman and Eressëa, removed from the rest of the physical world), which itself was part of the wider creation he called Eä.


    Why is Middle earth called Middle earth?

    The ancient peoples called the world "middle-earth", since it was imagined to be above the realm of the Giants and below the realm of the gods.
    However, in Tolkien's cosmology the name Middle-earth refers only to a continent, which (in the First and Second Ages) is set between two seas, Belegaer and the East Sea .


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