Gadget cosmology

  • What is GADGET 2?

    GADGET - 2
    A code for cosmological simulations of structure formation..

  • What is GADGET code?

    GADGET is a freely available code for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations on massively parallel computers with distributed memory.
    GADGET uses an explicit communication model that is implemented with the standardized MPI communication interface..

  • What is the cosmological code GADGET 2?

    The principal structure of GADGET-2 is that of a TreeSPH code (Hernquist & Katz 1989), where gravitational interactions are com- puted with a hierarchical multipole expansion, and gas dynamics is followed with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)..

  • What is the GADGET code in astrophysics?

    GADGET is free software for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations written by Volker Springel at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics.
    The name is an acronym of "GAlaxies with Dark matter and Gas intEracT".
    It is released under the GNU GPL.
    It can be used to study for example galaxy formation and dark matter..

  • GADGET - 2
    A code for cosmological simulations of structure formation.
  • The GADGET-4 code is publicly released to the community and contains infrastructure for on-the-fly group and substructure finding and tracking, as well as merger tree building, a simple model for radiative cooling and star formation, a high dynamic range power spectrum estimator, and an initial conditions generator
GADGET computes gravitational forces with a hierarchical tree algorithm (optionally in combination with a particle-mesh scheme for long-range gravitational 
GADGET is free software for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations written by Volker Springel at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics. The name is an acronym of "GAlaxies with Dark matter and Gas intEracT". It is released under the GNU GPL. It can be used to study for example galaxy formation and dark matter.

Can cosmology be a useful code base?

We hope that this will be a useful code base for numerical cosmology, especially for the high accuracy simulations needed for future large-scale structure work, but also for calculations with very high dynamic range, because the code has been improved significantly in scalability, and in its ability to carry out very large problem sizes.


Code Paper

The computational algorithms realized in the code are described indetail in the paper: Springel V., Pakmor R., Zier O., Reinecke M., "Simulating cosmic structure formation with the GADGET-4 code", MNRAS, submitted We kindly request to cite this paper in scientific applications using thecode.



These pages represent the code manual and provide a technicaldescription of the code's usage that is not contained in the codepaper, including information about compilation, code configuration,code usage, and output formats.
This documentation is also availableas a PDF filefor off-line reading.
A cross-linked documentation of the source codeis avai.


Is gadget suitable for Cosmological simulations of structure formation and interacting galaxies?

We describe the newly written code GADGET which is suitable both for cosmological simulations of structure formation and for the simulation of interacting galaxies.
GADGET evolves self-gravitating collisionless fluids with the traditional N-body approach, and a collisional gas by smoothed particle hydrodynamics.


Obtaining The Code

The code can be obtained through a public git-repository, hosted by agitlab server at the Max-Planck Computing and Data Facility(MPCDF).
The repository's page is To get a cloned repository of the code, you can issue the command: git clone Note that the gitlab repository s.


Related Links

Website of the GADGET-2 code:


What is Gadget used for?

So far, GADGET has been successfully used to run simulations with up to 7.5e7 particles, including:

  • cosmological studies of large-scale structure formation
  • high-resolution simulations of the formation of clusters of galaxies
  • as well as workstation-sized problems of interacting galaxies.
  • ,

    What's new in Gadget?

    Compared to previous versions of gadget, the following features are arguably most noteworthy.
    The code now offers a Fast Multipole Method as an alternative to a plain tree code, and both algorithms can optionally be run with higher order multipole moments, or as TreePM or FFM-PM hybrid methods.

    Gadget cosmology
    Gadget cosmology

    1993 video game

    Gadget: Invention, Travel, & Adventure is an adventure game designed by Haruhiko Shono and first released by Synergy Interactive in 1993, following his earlier works Alice: An Interactive Museum (1991) and L-Zone (1992).
    Like Shono's earlier titles, Gadget uses pre-rendered 3D computer graphics and resembles a point-and-click adventure game similar to Myst (1993), but with a strictly linear storyline culminating in a fixed finale.
    It thus sometimes tends to be classified more as an interactive movie rather than a video game.
    The story centers around a future dominated by retro technology from the 1920s and 1930s, especially streamlined locomotives and flying machines.


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