String gas cosmology

  • How are cosmic strings formed?

    Cosmic strings appear in the form of carrying energy, resulting from the symmetry breaking phase transition in the early Universe.
    Through gravitational interactions, they serve as seed of structure formation attracting their neighbouring matter..

  • What do cosmic strings do?

    Gravitational-wave emission is the main mechanism for cosmic strings to dissipate energy.
    When a string in a cosmic string network crosses itself, a loop separates from the string.
    Once formed, a loop is doomed.
    It oscillates, radiates gravitationally, shrinks and eventually evaporates..

  • What do you mean by cosmic strings?

    These cosmic strings stretch from one end of the observable universe to the other and are one-dimensional defects in space-time itself.
    As the universe grows, the strings grow right along with it, because they are simply a part of the underlying fabric of space.
    So, as space-time expands, so do the strings..

  • What does string theory tell us?

    String theory is a framework that physicists use to describe how forces usually conceptualized on a gigantic level, like gravity, could affect tiny objects like electrons and protons..

  • What is string theory simply?

    String theory is a collection of ideas in theoretical physics in which the fundamental building-blocks of nature are not particles (such as the point-like electron) but instead strings.
    Imagine microscopic wiggling rubber bands..

  • What is the string theory explained simply?

    Instead of treating subatomic particles as the fundamental building blacks of matter, string theory says that everything is made of unbelievably tiny strings, whose vibrations produce effects that we interpret as atoms, electrons and quarks..

  • What is the string theory in cosmology?

    String theory is the idea that everything in the universe, every particle of light and matter, is comprised of miniscule vibrating strings.
    These strings are truly tiny, many billions of times smaller than an individual proton within an atomic nucleus..

  • Cosmic strings are hypothetical 1-dimensional topological defects which may have formed during a symmetry-breaking phase transition in the early universe when the topology of the vacuum manifold associated to this symmetry breaking was not simply connected.
  • String theory is a concept in physics that states the universe is constructed by tiny vibrating strings, smaller than the smallest subatomic particles.
    As these fundamental strings twist, fold and vibrate, they create matter, energy and all sorts of phenomena like electromagnetism, gravity, etc.
String Gas Cosmology is a model of the evolution of the very early universe based on fundamental principles and key new degrees of freedom of string theory which are different from those of point particle field theories.
String gas cosmology is a string theory-based approach to early universe cosmology which is based on making use of robust features of string theory such as the existence of new states and new symmetries.


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