Kalachakra cosmology

  • What does the Kalachakra symbolize?

    The Kālacakra deities represent the aspects of Buddhahood: the non-dual (advaya) union of compassion and emptiness, the union of praj\xf1a and upaya, as well as the mahasukha (great bliss) of enlightenment.
    Since Kālacakra is time and everything is the flow of time, Kālacakra knows all..

  • What is the Kalachakra tantra cosmology?

    The Kalachakra Tantra is known as the “King of Tantras” due to its expansive and comprehensive presentation.
    Within a single system you can find detailed instructions for understanding a wide variety of scientific knowledge such as cosmology, astrology, medicine, psychology and philosophy..

  • What is the Kalachakra theory?

    The wheel of time or wheel of history (also known as Kalachakra) is a concept found in several religious traditions and philosophies, notably religions of Indian origin such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, which regard time as cyclical and consisting of repeating ages..

  • The Ra and Dro traditions say that the Kalachakra was introduced into India by Cilu and Kalachakrapada.
    The Kalachakra continued to be studied and practised in India, and it was eventually introduced into Tibet.
    Again, the Ra and Dro traditions are the two main lineages through which this occurred.
  • The word Kalachakra means cycles of time, and the Kalachakra system presents three such cycles - external, internal and alternative.
    The external and internal cycles deal with time as we normally know it, while the alternative cycles are practices for gaining liberation from these two.
What Kalachakra does explain is that each universe contains countless world systems, each of which is made up of tiny particles or “atoms” ('rdul-phran) of the elemental sources (khams). These are the sources of the elements of earth, water, fire, wind and space.
[See: Buddhist Cosmology in Abhidharma and Kalachakra ] What Kalachakra does explain is that each universe contains countless world systems, each of which is made up of tiny particles or “atoms” ('rdul-phran) of the elemental sources (khams). These are the sources of the elements of earth, water, fire, wind and space.
Kalachakra cosmology
Kalachakra cosmology

Nondualistic tantra tradition in Tibetan Buddhism

Kālacakra is a polysemic term in Vajrayana Buddhism that means wheel of time or time cycles. Kālacakra is also the name of a series of Buddhist texts and a major practice lineage in Indian Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism.
The tantra is considered to belong to the unexcelled yoga (anuttara-yoga) class.

Type of stupa in Buddhism

In Buddhism, a Kalachakra stupa is a stupa whose symbolism is not connected to events in the Buddha's life, but instead to the symbolism of the Kalachakra Tantra, created to protect against negative energies.
It is the rarest kind of stupa.

Buddhist stupa in southern Greece

Kalachakra Stupa is a stupa located just outside Lagkadaiika village, in the Xylokastro area of the Corinthia region of southern Greece, overlooking the Gulf of Corinth.
It is the largest stupa in Southeastern Europe.


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