Jain cosmology in hindi

  • Jain कौन से धर्म में आता है?

    जैन धर्म भारत की श्रमण परम्परा से निकला प्राचीन धर्म और दर्शन है। जैन अर्थात् कर्मों का नाश करनेवाले 'जिन भगवान' के अनुयायी। सिन्धु घाटी से मिले जैन अवशेष जैन धर्म को सबसे प्राचीन धर्म का दर्जा देते है।.

  • जैन धर्म का अर्थ क्या है?

    जैन धर्म एक प्राचीन धर्म है जो उस दर्शन में निहित है जो सभी जीवित प्राणियों को अनुशासित, अहिंसा के माध्यम से मुक्ति का मार्ग एवं आध्यात्मिक शुद्धता और आत्मज्ञान का मार्ग सिखाता है।.

  • जैन धर्म के 5 सिद्धांत कौन से हैं?

    ये सभी पाँच व्रतों (सत्य, अहिंसा, अस्तेय, अपरिग्रह और ब्रह्मचर्य) का पालन करते हैं।.

  • जैन धर्म के प्रमुख 3 नियम क्या है?

    त्रिरत्न - जैन धर्म के प्रमुख सिद्धांत त्रिरत्न के नाम से जाने जाते हैं । त्रिरत्न के अंतर्गत सम्यक ज्ञान, सम्यक दर्शन तथा सम्यक कर्म को गिना जाता है। सम्यक ज्ञान का अर्थ है जैन धर्म और मुक्ति के विषय में संपूर्ण और सच्चा ज्ञान। सम्यक दर्शन का अर्थ होता है तीर्थंकरों में पूर्ण विश्वास करना।.

  • पहला जैन कौन था?

    जैन धर्म के संस्थापक प्रथम तीर्थंकर ऋषभ देव या आदिनाथ हैं।.

  • जैन धर्म अपनाने के लिए आप जैन धर्म के किसी साधु महाराज से संपर्क करे। आपके गांव या शहर में जो साधु महाराज आते रहते है उनका परिचय करे। जैन साधु साध्विया आपको पुरे भारत में विचरण करते हुए मिल जाएंगे।
  • जैन धर्म में भगवान अरिहन्त (केवली) और सिद्ध (मुक्त आत्माएँ) को कहा जाता है। जैन धर्म इस ब्रह्माण्ड की अभिव्यक्ति, निर्माण या रखरखाव के लिए जिम्मेदार किसी निर्माता ईश्वर या शक्ति की धारणा को खारिज करता है।
  • ये सभी पाँच व्रतों (सत्य, अहिंसा, अस्तेय, अपरिग्रह और ब्रह्मचर्य) का पालन करते हैं।

What makes Jain cosmology different?

Jain cosmology has several distinguishing features that mark it out from other Indian notions of the universe, time and the human place within it.
The first is the timeless nature of the universe.
Second, there are two kinds of space within the Jain universe – world space and non-world space.

Jain cosmology in hindi
Jain cosmology in hindi
Agrawals are the descendents of Maharaja Agrasen who was a legendary Indian king of Agroha, a city of traders.
He is the descendant of Kush, son of lord Ram and he was born in 35th generation after lord Ram.
He is credited with the establishment of a kingdom of traders in North India named Agroha, and is known for his compassion in refusing to slaughter animals in yajnas.
Agrawal Jains are an Indian Jain community who originated from Agroha near Hisar, Haryana.
In Sanskrit inscriptions and texts, the community is termed Agrotakanvaya.
Shri Digamber Jain Prachin Bada Mandir is a

Shri Digamber Jain Prachin Bada Mandir is a

Shri Digamber Jain Prachin Bada Mandir is a Jain temple complex located in Hastinapur, Uttar Pradesh.
It is the oldest Jain temple in Hastinapur dedicated to Shri Shantinatha, the 16th Jain Tirthankara.
Fasting is very common among Jains and as a part of festivals.
Most Jains fast at special times such as birthdays, anniversaries, during festivals, and on holy days.
Paryushan is the most prominent festival, lasting eight days in Svetambara Jain tradition and ten days in Digambar Jain tradition during the monsoon.
The monsoon is a time for Jains to observe most of the religious procedures.
However, a Jain may fast at any time.
Jain saints usually perform fasts every now and then but at times it becomes a compulsion for them when they have committed an error in relation to the preachings of Mahavira.
Variations in fasts encourage Jains to do whatever they can to maintain whatever self control is possible for the individual.
According to Jain texts, abstaining from the pleasures of the five senses such as sounds and dwelling in the self in deep concentration is fasting (upavāsa).
Jain vegetarianism is practised by the followers of

Jain vegetarianism is practised by the followers of

Set of religion-based dietary rules

Jain vegetarianism is practised by the followers of Jain culture and philosophy.
It is one of the most rigorous forms of spiritually motivated diet on the Indian subcontinent and beyond.
The Jain cuisine is completely lacto-vegetarian and also excludes root and underground vegetables such as potato, garlic, onion etc., to prevent injuring small insects and microorganisms; and also to prevent the entire plant getting uprooted and killed.
It is practised by Jain ascetics and lay Jains.
List of Jains

List of Jains

List of adherents of Jainism

Jain is the title and name given to an adherent of Jainism.
The term has its origin in the Sanskrit term jina.
This article lists prominent individuals who have self-identified as a follower of Jainism.


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