Cosmology maker

  • The cosmology is usually presented as a series of concentric circles, with alternating spatial and transitive planes; from the center outwards, they are ordered as follows: Inner, Ethereal, Material, Astral, Outer Planes, and the Far Realm.

The Genesis of A Planet

Well, there are a few clues left here and there that can allow us to make an educated guess about our universe's particular Cosmology.
So maybe sciencecan give us at least a general idea of how our world was first formed.
It’s usually accepted by the scientific community that the solar system was initially just a cloud of interstellar dust that was.


The Theory of The Multiverse

Of course, there's a lot more to Cosmology than that.
After all, when we're talking about the likes of deities or the creation of fictional worlds, we're also brushing on the subject of parallel universes which houses the beings we've created.
Whether we're talking about heaven and hell or the elemental planes so common to fantasy worlds, it's usua.


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