Navajo cosmology

  • What do the Navajo believe about the stars?

    Since people first became the "Two-Legged Ones," and stood erect to gaze at the heavens, they have been fascinated by the stars.
    In this regard, the Navajo are no different.
    The Navajo think of the stars as friendly beings.
    They believe the laws by which they should live are written in the patterns of the stars..

  • What is Navajo cosmology?

    Navajo Knowledge of the Cosmos
    The Navajo world view includes a holistic and ordered universe where everything is interrelated and all the pieces of the universe are enfolded within the whole.
    At the same time every piece contains the entire universe, creating a network of relationships and processes in constant flux..

  • What is the Navajo belief of Earth?

    Mother earth is considered a living being with a spirit, emotions, mind and she has her physical form.
    She is called mother because she gives life.
    All life forms will at sometime when they die give back to mother earth what she gave them while they walked on her surface in joy, happiness, confidence, and peace..

  • What is the Navajo belief system?

    Their core belief focused on maintaining balance in mind, body, and spirit to manifest the healthiest versions of themselves.
    The Navajo believe in two classes of people: Earth People and Holy People..

  • What is the Navajo belief?

    Navajos believe in two classes of people: Earth People and Holy People.
    The Navajo story of creation is that there exists four worlds; three of which are passed through already before making it to the Fourth World (Earth).
    As Earth People, Navajos must do all they can to maintain balance between Mother Earth and man..

  • What is the Navajo theory?

    According to the Navajo, only the Creator knows where the beginning is.
    The Creator had a thought that created Light in the East.
    Then the thought went South to create Water, West to create Air, and North to create Pollen from emptiness.
    This Pollen became Earth..

  • Mother earth is considered a living being with a spirit, emotions, mind and she has her physical form.
    She is called mother because she gives life.
    All life forms will at sometime when they die give back to mother earth what she gave them while they walked on her surface in joy, happiness, confidence, and peace.
  • Since people first became the "Two-Legged Ones," and stood erect to gaze at the heavens, they have been fascinated by the stars.
    In this regard, the Navajo are no different.
    The Navajo think of the stars as friendly beings.
    They believe the laws by which they should live are written in the patterns of the stars.
Jun 4, 2014Navajo cosmology gives emphasis on the making of the world by Black God. In Navajo, they believe that he is the one who created the first 
Navajo Knowledge of the Cosmos The Navajo world view includes a holistic and ordered universe where everything is interrelated and all the pieces of the universe are enfolded within the whole. At the same time every piece contains the entire universe, creating a network of relationships and processes in constant flux.

What are indigenous American cosmologies?

Indigenous American cosmologies are archaic, integrated worldviews conceived by the ancient and protohistoric peoples of the Americas prior to substantive contact with European peoples in the sixteenth century.
The cosmos in these worldviews usually comprises several layered and axially organized realms.


What are Navajo origin stories?

Navajo origin stories begin with a First World of darkness (Nihodilhil).
From this Dark World the Dine began a journey of emergence into the world of the present.
It had four corners, and over these appeared four clouds.
These four clouds contained within themselves the elements of the First World.


What is Navajo cosmology?

Teachings associated with the Night Sky were shared within the traditional hogan, which itself was modeled and constructed in alignment with cosmic directions and principles.
Navajo cosmology reflects the emphasis that Navajos place on the Night Sky and its holistic interconnection with the earth.


What is Navajo star knowledge?

Unlike conventional academic learning, which comes primarily from books, Navajo star knowledge has been passed down for countless generations through oral communication.

God in Navajo mythology

According to one version of the Navajo creation story, Black God is first encountered by First Man and First Woman on the Yellow (third) world.
Black God is, first and foremost, a fire god.
He is the inventor of the fire drill and was the first being to discover the means by which to generate fire.
He is also attributed to the practice of witchcraft.
Black God is not portrayed in the admirable, heroic fashion of other Navajo Gods.
Instead, he is imagined as old, slow and apparently helpless.
Other times he is imagined as a “a moody, humorless trickster” who “passes himself off as poor so that people will be generous to him.”
Coyote is an irresponsible and trouble-making character who is nevertheless one of the most important and revered characters in Navajo mythology.
Even though font-family:Aboriginal Sans, DejaVu Sans, Calibri, Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif>nv>Tó Neinilii is the Navajo god of rain, Coyote also has powers over rain.
Coyote’s ceremonial name is font-family:Aboriginal Sans, DejaVu Sans, Calibri, Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif>nv>Áłtsé hashké which means first scolder
In Navajo tradition, Coyote appears in creation myths, teaching stories, and healing ceremonies.
Navajo cosmology
Navajo cosmology

Textile art by Navajo people of the US

Navajo weaving are textiles produced by Navajo people, who are based near the Four Corners area of the United States.
Navajo textiles are highly regarded and have been sought after as trade items for more than 150 years.
Commercial production of handwoven blankets and rugs has been an important element of the Navajo economy.
As one art historian wrote, Classic Navajo serapes at their finest equal the delicacy and sophistication of any pre-mechanical loom-woven textile in the world.


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