Understanding observational cosmology

  • How do you understand cosmology?

    Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories showed that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, implying that some day - in the very distant future - anyone looking at the night sky would see only our Galaxy and its stars..

  • What are the three types of cosmology?

    Cosmology studies how the history of the universe led to the stars, galaxies, and other features we can observe today.
    Cosmology is the study of the origin, development, structure, history, and future of the entire universe..

  • What is observation and understanding of the universe?

    Welcome to the Center for Theoretical and Observational Cosmology.
    The goal of the Cosmology Center is to enhance our understanding of the large scale structure of the universe using multi-wavelength surveys, computer simulations and fundamental theories, and by confronting theoretical paradigms with observations..

  • Why is observational astronomy important?

    Observing a mass of closely associated stars, such as in a globular cluster, allows data to be assembled about the distribution of stellar types.
    These tables can then be used to infer the age of the association..

  • Observing a mass of closely associated stars, such as in a globular cluster, allows data to be assembled about the distribution of stellar types.
    These tables can then be used to infer the age of the association.
Observational cosmology is the study of the structure, the evolution and the origin of the universe through observation, using instruments such as telescopes  Hubble's law and the cosmic Detection of the cosmic Cosmic microwave


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