Ubc cosmology

  • Does UBC have astronomy?

    The astronomy and astrophysics research area at UBC covers a wide range of topics, driven by some of the most exciting questions in modern science.
    Our faculty, postdoc and student researchers are seeking answers to: How did planets, stars and galaxies form?.

  • It is advisable that a student entering any specialization in Physics or Astronomy have a minimum average of 60% in first-year PHYS and 60% in first-year MATH.
    See also Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer.
The astronomy and astrophysics research area at UBC covers a wide range of topics, driven by some of the most exciting questions in modern science.
To study planets, stars, galaxies, the material in between, and the Universe as a whole at a variety of wavelengths, UBC astronomers and astrophysicists take 

What can I do with a BSc in astronomy?

Laboratories are generally hosted in the teaching and demo rooms of the Hebb Building and Theatre, which recently underwent renovations.
A BSc in astronomy allows opens the door to a number of graduate programs in various physical sciences, or to professional schools such as:

  • medicine
  • law
  • or education.
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    What is UBC known for?

    UBC has a very significant research program in astronomy and astrophysics, with several faculty globally acknowledged to be at the leading edge of cosmology research.
    UBC operates the Large Zenith telescope, the largest liquid mercury telescope in the world, located in one of UBC’s regional forests.


    What is UBC Research in astronomy and Astrophysics?

    UBC research in astronomy and astrophysics covers most areas of current interest in this broad field, including:

  • a wide range of theoretical and observational studies in astronomy
  • and also experimental and theoretical studies in cosmology.
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    Where do UBC researchers use radio?

    The Very Large Array in New Mexico, the 300-m dish at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, the 100-m Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and telescopes at Parkes, Australia, and Jodrell Bank, U.K. are other radio facilities used by UBC researchers.


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