Cosmology health definition

In a more general sense, humanity's purpose can be understood as identifying stresses between the NIE and manifestation with an eye towards restoring harmony 
Medical cosmologies are basically metaphysical attempts to circumscribe and define systematically the essential nature of the universe of medical discourse as a 

Why is cosmology important?

A cosmology attempts to establish an ordered, harmonious framework that integrates time, space, the planets, stars, and other celestial phenomena.
In so-called primitive societies, cosmologies help explain the relationship of human beings to the rest of the universe and are therefore closely tied to religious beliefs and practices.


Cosmology heat death
Cosmology heliocentric
Cosmology heat
Hebrew cosmology diagram
Heraclitus cosmology
Hermetic cosmology
Hellenistic cosmology
Hesiod cosmology
Heidelberg cosmology
Hellboy cosmology
Hellenic cosmology
Hermeticism cosmology
Heliopolitan cosmology
Jewish cosmology
Cosmological jerk
Ancient jewish cosmology
Cosmology jelentese
Kemetic cosmology
Kepler cosmology
Cosmology leiden